"What time is it?" I asked looking around. The sun was bright. I guessed it was 12 maybe 1pm.

"It's 10:30 in the morning" he said. My face dropped. I was slightly disappointed that I hadn't slept longer. I put a pillow over my face. I heard Niall laugh at me. He climbed on top of me and tried to remove the pillow from my head. I gripped it tighter.

"Stop it Niall..." I groaned. We had a late night out on top of the hill. All I wanted was to sleep forever. I knew he wouldn't let me. He kept pulling on the pillow, he started to tickle me causing me to scream. This made him laugh hysterically. He kept pulling at the pillow as Louis walked in.

"Morning guys! Ready fo-...am I interrupting something lads?" he asked stepping back slightly when he saw Niall trying to wrestle a pillow off of my face. I threw the pillow off of me finally giving up which cause Niall to stumble backwards a bit. He started laughing. I gave Niall a dirty look.

"Morning Lou. Niall was just waking me up." I said bitterly. He smirked and threw the pillow back at me. I knocked it down with my hand so it landed on the bed. Louis raised his eyebrow and said

"Alright then. Well..."He clapped his hands once indicating that he had more to say. "we have much to do today so lets get a move on! Niall we have an interview to go to...and Ivy," he evilly smiled at me. I gave him a worried look. "Eleanor and Danielle have come to meet you and spend the day with you and Paige. They will be here in two hours to pick you up so be ready. And I do believe Zayn's new lady friend Zoe may be tagging along with you." He said. I got out of bed and walked over to my bag.

"Okay Lou we are going. We will meet you down stairs when we are ready." Niall said getting up and walking over to his closet.

Louis walked out and shut the door.

"So, what are you going to with the girls today?" Niall asked me. I thought he was there when Louis explained the things that would be going on today. I just found out that I was hanging out with the girls' moments ago.

"I don't know. I didn't even know they were coming in town today! Guess today's full of surprises huh?" I said. He nodded. I turned so I wasn't facing him and changed into a pair of jean shorts and a blue tank top that said I love 1D on it. Niall bought it for me last time I saw him. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I raked through my tangled brown hair and then tied back part of it with a clip. I applied some make up then went back into Nialls room. When I entered it, he was already dressed and ready to go.

"You ready to go downstairs?" I asked. I wasn't sure why I had asked him like that. It sounded like I needed his permission to go downstairs. I guess I just wanted to wait for him.

"Yeah let's go." He said. As he got closer to me I could smell his cologne. It smelled like Niall, my Niall. We walked downstairs to greet the others. I grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast while Niall stuffed his plate with leftovers from yesterdays breakfast. I ate slowly as Niall ate like it would be the last time he would ever see food. we finished breakfast and still had about half an hour before the girls got here. I went and sat on the couch and turned on the TV. The news came on, I starred at the screen but I wasn't actually watching it. I was glazed over thinking about...well everything. I was thinking about me and Niall and how I never wanted him to leave. I was thinking about what I was going to do with the girls today. I was thinking about Zoe. This thought just popped into my head when I looked over to the recliner and saw Zayn with his phone glued in his hands once again.

I hadn't noticed him before, but most of the times I saw him, he was on his phone, texting you guessed it, Zoe. They had such a connection from the start. I could just see how nervous he got when he first saw her. I hope things work out between Zoe and Zayn. Zoe's a very sweet girl and Zayn deserves someone good to be with. I thought Zoe would be a good match for him.

I smiled at him, and he noticed because he gave me an odd look.

"What are you staring at Ivy?" He said in his British accent while waving his hand around trying to make me stop zoning out. I snapped back into reality and shook my head. We both started laughing. I just looked down. Niall came and sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. I smiled and nuzzled my head into his shoulder. We sat there for a few minutes until he said

"I want you to stay with me again tonight." I smiled then frowned. I would most likely have to go home tonight. I wanted to stay with Niall no matter where we were though.

" I do too, but I have to go home. Why don't you, the guys and the girls stay at my house tonight? We can camp out in my basement!" I said. My basement was finished so it was okay to sleep in.

"Okay, that sounds fun. Ill talk to the guys about it on our way to the interview and you talk to the girls when you are out with them today okay?" Niall said. I agreed. We all sat around waiting for the girls to arrive.

Finally there was a knock on the door. Harry opened it revealing Danielle and Eleanor. I had become fairly close with the girls. We texted each other and Skyped occasionally. Me and Niall got off the couch and walked over to the girls.

"Hey!" I said as I walked over and hugged them. Niall greeted them too. "so where are we off to today?" I asked eagerly.

"Well, I was thinking we could hit the mall and then go get our nails and hair done? Just a spa day you know?" Danielle explained. I smiled.

"Sounds good girls!" I said. "Oh I almost forgot. Ill be right back." I said as I ran back upstairs to Nialls room to grab my wallet. I went back downstairs to where everyone was.

"Okay I'm ready!" I said. We all left Nialls house the guys walked towards the limo. Before Niall stepped into the limo he hugged me.

"Have fun and then we will sleep at your house tonight okay?" He said. I pulled away from the hug.

"Defiantly. Have fun at the interview and text me whenever you can. I love you." I said as I kissed him and he got into the limo. I got in the back seat of Eleanor's car.

"To the mall!" Eleanor said as we backed out of the driveway and down the road to the mall. I couldn't wait. Today was going to be the best day ever!

Forever Love-Niall Horanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें