“I told what time I got off work.” He answered

“Yeah, yeah, whatever dude. You said four and its four-thirty” Rob crossed the lot in three bouncing strides; Antonio shuffled behind him awkwardly, still without saying anything.

“Yeah, it’s called going from one place to another. Why am I here again?” Lucas stretched his arms out in front of him before letting them fall limp at him sides. He looked from one friend to the other, slightly amazed on how polar opposite their expressions could be. Antonio scowled deeply, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, and Rob grinned mischievously as his blazing blue eyes searched Lucas’s face.

“What’s wrong with you?” Lucas asked Antonio, who quickly shot a fierce “don’t talk to me” look. Lucas warily stepped back.

“He can’t wait for the surprise either.” Rob answered instead, and winked slyly. The three walked into the diner and were promptly seated at a booth. Lucas had always liked Ellie’s diner; it had the classic 50’s diner look to it, with an old run-down jukebox playing Elvis songs. The food there was good too, probably the best you could get for such cheap prices, making it a popular place for teenagers. However, with the early time, the diner was empty with the exception of the staff and one elderly couple.

“What are we? Old people? Who eats this early?” Lucas looked down at the menu with disdain.

“Shhh…” Rob interrupted the beginning of Lucas’ rant, “Rule 1: No complaining on the date.”

Lucas dropped the menu and stood up abruptly, “Oh, god no… No. No. No…” He suddenly knew what the surprise was, and he did not like it one bit.

 Lucas turned to walk away from the table, his face felt hot with a mixture of fury and embarrassment. Rob’s arm shot out and grabbed him. Rob had a firm grip, but Lucas struggled against it.

“I refuse to do some stupid ‘simulation’ date!” Lucas was furious. He pried Rob’s fingers with his own and ripped away from the iron grip. He made an honest effort to make his glare as menacing as he could. If looks could kill, this one would mass murder.

“I refuse.” He warned.

“You need it, man.” Rob smirked and folded his arms across his chest. Antonio was silent, and stared at the menu with nothing but disinterest.

“No, no I don’t. I can handle the date with Charlotte without your help.” Lucas replied coldly.

“You haven’t been on a date since Savannah broke up with you.” Rob reminded. Lucas’s shoulders dropped as he took a tentative step back. His face flushed to a pale white.

“So..?” Lucas’s voice didn’t come out as harsh as he wanted it to. He knew within seconds that he had lost the battle.

“So… all I’m saying is that I’m glad to see you finally recovering and there’s no way I’m going to let that get screwed up, okay?” There was a long silence. Lucas looked at the door then back over at his friend.

“Okay.” Lucas muttered in a defeated tone, “This better be quick.”

“Understatement of the century…” Antonio added. Both guys jumped at their friend breaking his silence. Rob cracked a large boyish grin.

“Lucas, meet you date…An--“Rob choked as he held in a cruel laugh, “Charlotte.”

Lucas looked across the table at a red-faced Antonio and burst out into laughter; Antonio had only been sulking because he didn’t want to be the girl in the simulation date. The boy folded his arms over his chest and sank down into the booth, not bothering to look up amongst the laughter and hysterics.

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