Chapter 2: Back Talk

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I woke up with a jolt. My surroundings were dark and musty and I was strapped to a chair. The last thing I remembered was getting a cloth soaked in chloroform forced over my mouth and my consciousness had faded away. I heard someone enter the room, but it was too dark to see him. As he stepped into the light coming from the crevice in the warehouse roof, I saw that it was the guy that grabbed me. He had dark hair and was tall with lean muscles. He circled me like I was some kind of prey.
"So you're awake sweetheart," he said with a smirk.
"What do you want with me?!" I shouted trying to sound brave.
The man walked up to me and stared me up and down.
"Who are you?" He asked aggressively.
I didn't respond.
"I SAID WHO ARE YOU?" He asked inches from my face.
"Rey," I sighed. "Just Rey."
The man looked a little taken back.
"Who are you?" I shot back.
"I'm Kylo Ren, and you are to address me as so," he responded.
"Why?" I asked. "Why did you kidnap me?" I asked.
Kylo stared directly into my eyes.
"That's not for you to know."
"I have every right to know!" I shot back.
Kylo kneeled down to me and angrily stared back in my face.
"No you don't," he growled ," you're the hostage and you bend to my will."
"I'm going to shut you up for a while," Kylo said grabbing the white cloth.
I tried to wiggle around so he couldn't knock me out with that chloroform again, but he grabbed my head and forced the cloth over my mouth. Everything faded to darkness.

Next thing I knew, I woke up with morning light pouring through a window. As my eyes adjusted, I realized I was in a bedroom. There was a giant window with the sunlight pouring through. This was my chance for escape. I jumped off the soft bed and trotted over to the window. When I got over to the window, I realized there were bolts on the window and when I stared at the window at an angle, the glass was so thick, I would never be able to open it.
"Trying to escape?" A voice from behind me said. Kylo was lounging on the sofa across from my bed. How long had he been there? Was he watching me sleep?
I just stood there motionless as he walked over to me. He didn't seem scary though it was almost empathetic.
"Please come downstairs," he said in a neutral tone.
I followed Kylo down the grand staircase to a spacious living room.
"What is this place?" I asked.
""This is where your staying."
"Why did you kidnap me?" I asked.
"Why do you ask so many questions?" Kylo said almost sneaking out a smile, once he realized what he was doing he quickly snapped back to his serious expression.
"We actually weren't targeting you Rey," he said almost sympathetically ," we were robbing the store and we couldn't have any witnesses so we had no choice to bring you back here."
"Am I going to die?" I asked almost shakily.
"That's not up to me," Kylo said sadly ," That's up to leader Snoke, but it going to try to convince him to do a ransom."
I nodded, realizing there is a possible chance I could get killed.
"For now you are just going to have to stay here until Snoke figures out what to do. Don't even try to think about escaping because we have a top notch security system and if I catch you trying to do so, you will be punished."
I shuddered.
"Anyways are you hungry? I can make pancakes," Kylo offered going back to his neutral tone.
"Fine," I said plumping down in a chair at the table.
As he cooked, I couldn't help but think about how much I missed Poe and Finn and how worried they must be since I was missing, but this was a nice house to be staying at compared to my one bedroom apartment, but then again I get executed any day whoever this leader Snoke decides so.
"The girl is awake," a voice at the top of the stairs said. I whipped around to see a guy with red hair standing at the top of the stairs with a girl which had a blonde pixie cut. I recognized them as the other two people robbing the store.
Both of them came down the stairs and said nothing else to me.
"What do you think Snoke will do with her?" The girl asked Kylo.
"I mean our black market has connections with human trafficking markets," The ginger guy trailed off deviously grinning at me. I shuddered at the thought of that.
"Hux! Phasma! It's all up to Snoke," Kylo said quickly. "After breakfast I'm going to the store to buy Rey some stuff, and then we will be prepared for Snoke coming to dinner tonight."
I gasped at the thought of my fate being decided tonight. We all ate breakfast together in silence and occasionally Kylo and I would make eye contact and quickly look away. After Kylo said goodbye and left. I went up to my room to be alone for awhile. I began to cry; the thought of dying frightened me and I missed my friends and even my job. I didn't feel comfortable around that creepy Hux guy or Phasma, the only one of them I really felt ok around was Kylo, but I still never felt safe. I'd give anything right now to just return to my simple life.I cried until I fell to sleep.
A noise in the hallway woke me up.i rubbed my eyes looking at the clock realizing I took a 3 hour nap. It was only like 2:30 pm. I wondered if Kylo was home yet. I lazily got up and stumbled out into the hallway, but someone pushed me up against the wall. Coming to my senses, I looked to see that it was Hux. He had a sinister grin on his face. I tried to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong.
"Hey pretty baby," he laughed.

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