Chapter 25: Faith

Start from the beginning

It was difficult to tell who took a hold of who first but it didn't matter. Cam dipped me and then our lips touched. The fact that we were finally kissing was the only thing that mattered. The moment his lips crashed on mine, everything went silent. I couldn't hear Sasha or the crowd around us. It was just us. Cam had an arm around my waist, and an arm around my neck. I expected the kiss to be gentle like Cam, but it was forceful and desperate. I didn't complain though, he did wait for a month.

At first, our kiss was sloppy and out of sync, but once we learned each other's rhythms, it was steady like the powerful beat of the drum. His lips were as soft as cotton balls, and he tasted like spearmint and sprite. If he wasn't holding me so tightly, my knees would've given up underneath me.

Though I should've kept my arm hanging - like in the picture, - my body craved for his touch. Without my control, I wrapped my arm around his neck, and grasped his hazelnut colored hair. His hair was silky with some rough patches then and there. I was satisfied when I pulled him closer, and every inch of him was pressed onto me.

We would've kept going but eventually, we ran out of breath and had no choice but to pull away. I lightly clasped his neck as we stared at each other. Cam's green eyes were serious and a mist of emotions ran past them; relief, happiness, and gratitude.

"Wow," I said.

Cam smiled at my comment, "Yeah. Wow."

There were many kisses after that, and many still to come. I sighed at the thought of Cam. We went on many dates, I even met his mother, and she was everything Cam said she was. She was kind and patient. I was glad that she liked me. We got along very well.

Cam also met my parents. It was Thanksgiving and Cam's mother invited my family to join them. We didn't really celebrate Thanksgiving but my parents were still grateful for the offer and accepted. Obviously, my parents bombarded Cam with questions of all sorts. Cam's mother just sat at the head of the table laughing and grinning at the interrogation. I was glad our families got along very well.

Hey. Whats up? ;), Cam texted. A smile immediately grew on my face.

Thinking about you! I replied, and just like that another long conversation began.


I woke up leaning on someone's shoulder. I was going to move my head to see who it was when I couldn't for there was a weight on the side of my head. Craning my neck to look around, I saw Devin on my right, leaning on the car window with his mouth open and his eyes closed. Since I wasn't sleeping on Devin's shoulder, it didn't take me too long to figure out the heavy weight on my head was Connor.

I decided to let Connor enjoy his nap for a while, and took a hold of my surroundings. The car was going up a bumpy road, with white snow on each side. There wasn't much snow so I was thankful it wouldn't be too deep if I stepped on it.

Finally, a log cabin appeared, and I couldn't help but awe at the beauty. From what I saw, the medium-sized log cabin I think was three stories. The pillars on the corners of the cabin and the wide veranda were white like the snow. I saw three chimney's on either side of the cabin (two on the right, and one on the left). I sighed in relief that there were going to be fireplaces around the house to keep me warm. I was already beginning to feel the chill. The roof was white, completely filled with snow. I watched as some bits of snow fell off the roof, and I hoped that wouldn't happen on my head.

"Connor," I whispered, trying to wake him up without taking my eyes off the cabin. He didn't budge a bit. "Connor," I said, louder this time. He groaned, pulling me closer and, thats when I noticed he had an arm around my shoulder. When did he put it there? "Connor, wake up!" I shouted this time. Connor jolted awake and looked at me with sleepy eyes. This ultimately leaded to me straightening my neck.

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