"Got a tight grip there Alice. Eat too many weetbix for breakfast did you?" I said teasingly but everyone else froze, their eyes snapping to my arms where Alice's hands were. There were two faint red marks on my arms in the shapes of hands.

I pretended that I was joking and thought nothing of it and started laughing lightly. Everyone looked at me confused for a second before they too started laughing though it sounded fake and didn't reach their eyes. No one moved for a couple of minutes. It was really awkward and just when I was about to say something, Esme made a move towards the telephone situated on the little table beside the couch.

She smiled back at me as she picked it up, "I'll just call the pizza people now. You three just go on and pick a movie to watch. Is pepperoni alright for the pizza?" Esme asked as as she opened a phone book up, looking up the number for Dominoes.

I grinned and turned to Alice and Rosalie. "Shall we go and choose a couple movies then?" I asked.

"Yay!" Alice said, smiling, "Lets try and pull an all-night-er tonight. We can stay up watching movies all night!"

"Okay! Just no horror movies like Paranormal Activity or Zombieland or The Exorcist or anything please. Scary movies really freak me out," I pleaded with the other two girls whilst giving them my puppy eyes. Haha! Who would have thought, a vampire doing puppy eyes...

Alice and Rosalie shared a mischievous look before Rosalie sighed and looked over at me, "Okay. We weren't planning on choosing any horror movies anyway. We were going to choose some romance movies and chick flicks. Maybe Friends with Benefits and Valentines Day and some others like that," Rosalie explained, smiling.

I grinned, "And maybe Abduction. Taylor Lautner is hot in that movie!" I said grinning as I let out a small wolf-whistle.

We all cracked up laughing as we made our way to their entertainment room. As we walked in I let out a shrill whistle. Wow! This room was amazing. It was massive, up one side there was a massive cinema/t.v screen, maybe a little smaller then a cinema screen would be and there were a couple of rows of chairs in front of it. On another wall was another t.v with heaps of gaming consoles plugged in and a couple of cool bean bags and couches scattered around in front of it and over the other side was lots of little games like air hockey and a pinball machine etc. Damn! I heard Alice and Rosalie chuckle at my obvious star-struck expression and I turned my attention back to them. They were standing over near a cupboard next to the cinema screen. Alice opened it and revealed thousands of movies.

I gasped. "Oh my god! This is so awesome girls!" I said grinning. "Now lets choose some movies for tonight," I finished as I bounced forwards towards the cupboard and began looking through all of the movies.

We ended up choosing; The Notebook, The Break-Up, The Proposal, P.S I Love You, How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and The Vow. All-in-all, we were in for a busy night. While Alice sat the movies up in the D.V.D Player, Rosalie and I wandered out to the kitchen to get some snacks. Rosalie had just put the bag of popcorn in the microwave when the doorbell rang.

"I'll go get it," I offered, "It's probably just the pizza guy."

"No, do---" Rosalie started.

But I had already walked off out of the kitchen. As I neared the front door, I started getting a bad feeling in my chest. I shrugged it off and continued towards the front door. As soon as I reached it, I opened it to see a beautiful girl with strawberry-blond hair and topaz coloured eyes like the Cullens. Vampire, I thought.

My thoughts were interrupted however, when she opened her mouth to speak. "Hello. I'm Tanya. Who are you?" She asked me rudely.

I frowned, "I'm Bella. What do you want," I replied, just as rudely. Was this THE Tanya? I questioned myself. If it is, I am going to dent her car.

Suddenly Edward appeared at the door next to me and glared at Tanya. "What are you doing here, Tanya?" Edward growled.

Instantly, Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie were at the door with us, all of them staring at Tanya in barely concealed anger. Tanya merely grinned and sauntered closer to Edward, brushing roughly past me, making me stumble to the side. I glared at her.

"Why Edward. I thought you would have missed me! I certainly missed you," Tanya said huskily, pouting as she wrapped her arms around him tightly.

Edward gave her a disgusted look and pushed her off of him roughly. "I said it once and I am only going to say it one more time Tanya. What.are.you.doing.here!" He snarled, his voice getting angrier and angrier with every word.

I moved back over to him and put my hand on his arm. "What is wrong Edward?" I asked, though I knew all too well who this was. This was the bitch that thought she could get away with threatening me. Well think again!

Edward noticeably calmed down at my touch, causing both Tanya and I to frown at him. I wonder why my touch calmed him down so much. I decided I would look into it more later, after Tanya was gone and the girls and I were watching movies.

Edward looked down at me briefly before looking back up at Tanya with a hard glare, "She is just an ex-girlfriend," He explained viciously.

I frowned, not liking the idea of her being Edward's ex-girlfriend, even though I already knew about it. "If she is your ex, then why is she here?" I asked innocently.

"I don't really know," Edward replied but I saw through the lie instantly. He would have been able to read her thoughts and know why she was here the instant she came within 'hearing' distance of his ability.

"Oh," I said quickly, I focused my attention behind Tanya's smirking face and saw the exact car that caused Edward and I to crash the other week on our date. I frowned, she was the reason my baby got totaled! I glared at her with a fiery passionate hate and she flinched back from my hard gaze when her eyes landed on me.

I smiled at the small triumph and looked back up at Edward to see him frowning down at me, before he shook his head lightly and looked back at Tanya who I noticed was now glaring at us, "What are you doing here Tanya!" He said harshly.

Tanya frowned, "I just thought I would pop in and say hi to you all," She said, though she was looking at me intently as though she meant the words for me only, I knew she did and by the way everyone else tensed up, they did too. Edward let out a slight hiss and I looked up at him in faked confusion. Edward was glaring at Tanya with so much hatred, I was surprised she didn't just burn up into a pile of ash right then and there.

Edward frowned even more, the expression looking out of place on his handsome face, "Well, you've said hi now go away!" He growled.

Tanya grinned and turned around, walking back to her car, "I will. See you soon... Bella!" She said before jumping in her car and driving away.


Sorry about the slow long and boring chapter, but hey! Its getting more interesting now that Tanya is in it, isn't it?? Please vote, fan and comment! Thanks everyone!

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