021 | Activities

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Here are a list of simple activities that have been scientifically shown to make you feel happier.

1) Mentally subtract something good from your life
We often think about the good things that didn't happen and forget about the good things that did. Imagine how much worse life would be without those positives. It can be very powerful if used correctly.

3) Send a grateful message
Gratitude is a powerful emotion which can help us feel better about what we had. A study has shown that it can increase happiness by 24%. Another study in 2012 showed that writing three letters over three weeks significantly and reliably increased happiness.

4) Get some exercise
It releases dopamine in the brain and puts your heart under a low level stress, reducing your stress levels. It also energises you and can help ease anxiety.

5) Listen to Music
Music can boost your mood. Be careful though. Certain note combinations can cause bad mood shifts. Listen to what you know makes you feel good when you need cheering up.

6) Make Plans
A study in 2007 showed that anticipation is indeed a powerful emotion. Think back to when you were a little child and couldn't wait to open your presents on your birthday or on Christmas (or any other gift giving celebration you celebrate). In 2007 a study showed that making plans makes us happier not only before the event, but makes us look back on it more fondly too. Making plans with friends is always a bonus and will make it even more effective.

7) List three good things that happened today.
I will admit, this can be very challenging. Take it one step at a time. Find something good once a week to start off with. Our weekly "Spread the Positivity" chapter is a good place to start. Challenge yourself to do it more and more often.

8) Practice your strengths
Succeeding at something is always a great way to boost your mood. Do what you know you're good at and celebrate your success.

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