Like Honey, So Sweet

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Like honey, so sweet.

Heart like gold beneath my feet.

Hands filled with diamonds and gems,

Holding the bouquet of roses by the stem.

I wish you can see the tulips in my head.

But instead, here comes the tears I shed.

Growing like a forest on the first day of spring.

Like a butterfly with her broken wing.

Rain pouring on those daffodils I used to pick.

Oh, baby, you leave me sick.

Do you love me or do you not?

I ask myself as I stare at the reflection I forgot.

A ghost stands before me, lifeless and full of despair

And suddenly, I could not bear to stare,

But I had to.

Because I had lost myself years ago,

Drowning myself in the ocean of life.

Like honey, so sweet.

Heart shattered in pieces, so incomplete.

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