In seconds, Avery has Holly suspended in the air.

Holly chokes out pleas and claws at the powerful girl desperately. Again, I try to speak, but only whimpers emerge as my throat feels painfully dry.

Ray pleads with Avery, but there's no point in trying. It's not her, not anymore. She's been taken hostage by an evil prescence. The absence of the real her pains me, almost as much as the thought that it's my fault.

"You have to understand. We're not your enemies."

I frown at Ray's words.

"There are people out there, that are your enemies. That will not hesitate to kill you. If we wanted you dead, we would've done it already."

No. You can't tell her. You can't let her know how much I've failed her.

Tears sting my eyes.

"Everything you think you know, is wrong." He speaks with purpose, eyes full of intensity.

"Alex didn't leave you. He was taken away."

Avery's face contains partly disbelief and shock. She looks down at me, into my eyes. Seeking the truth. I give her the truth.

I never stopped loving you, Av.

She chokes out a sob, releasing her grip on the woman's neck. Tears fall from her eyes, and she looks almost vulnerable for a moment. Avery brings her hands up to her face, hiding behind them, crumbling under her emotions. My gaze never leaves her face, I reach out to her, trying to tap into the bond that we once held.

Then her eyes go dark.


My eyes widen at the word, a fresh mask of fear plasters itself onto my face. I metally beg for her not to do anything rash, to believe me.

"Do you really think you can make a fool out of me, Dex? You may have fooled me in the past, but I know better now. I see past your ways." She pauses, glaring straight at me. "I'm not the monster, you are. And I will destroy you before you destroy anyone else." She growls, advancing towards me.

"Avery, no, please." I plead, moving away from her while still thrown on the ground. "Don't you want answers? Don't you want to know what you are? This is bigger than just us, Ivy." I slowly rise, ignoring the dull pain that still lingers from my now-sticky wound.

Her eyes flash momentarily with what I conceive as sadness. She's definitely not herself, not completely. She's fighting the evil and doubt that resides within her. It seems impossible to convince her, she just sees me with pure hatred. And it hurts.

"Avy," I inch towards her, trying to catch her eyes but she keeps looking down. "Listen to me, baby. Hear my voice. Remember who I am, who I always was." I coo, now just inches away from her.

I lift my hand near to her face, hesitating for a moment before running two fingers across her moist cheek. She winces at my touch, her whole body going stiff. She bares a pair of razor sharp fangs and I quickly retrieve my hand.

Avery's eyes meet mine and they're full of anguish. I shudder at her hard gaze, but keep my eyes glued to hers.

"Just leave me alone, Alex. Please." She says.

I blink, unsure of how to respond. Ray pulls me back, speaking into my ear.

"You know we can't do that. She's too dangerous."

"You know what, I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one she's wanting to skin alive, so I'm betting she's more dangerous staying here." I growl. "Besides, I think we owe it to her considering how badly this whole 'plan' has gone." I pull my shoulder out of his grasp, giving him a glare.

Ray huffs but says nothing more and returns his attention to Holly, who still looks shaken. I turn back to Avery. Her appearance has gone from doubtful and feeble to strong, demanding and intimidating within a matter of moments.

"Okay." I gulp.

She looks taken aback for a moment before she inches closer to me.


"Yeah, sure Avery that's fine." I sputter. "But can I have just 5 minutes to explain myself?"

The blonde sticks up her fingers.




Short, I know. Bear with me please. > . <

Unless this story gains certain feedback and popularity, don't expect very frequent or consistent updates. I mean, I have plenty of time to write, I just don't like doing it when I'm not inspired to, otherwise it's just work to me. So my updates will be erratic at best. One thing I will work on though is to bring more in shorter periods of time.

Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote to encourage me to write more.



Sincerely, TemptationМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя