Men Are All The Same

Start from the beginning


I gasp, looking at the container that Dex holds firmly in his hands. Inside, black mist swishes around, revolving like a tornado. I squint my eyes, catching sight of teeth, hearing it's roar call to me, linking to my very being.

It's my soul.

In there, he has is. The wolf. I stare at in in horror, trying to speak but to no avail. Alex must notice this, because he quickly rises from the bed and takes a few steps back. He hugs the container to his body protectively, giving me a warning look.

"G-give it to me!" I demand, desperation in my voice. My body aches for the wolf, to feel its presence, to take it's form. Hot tears travel down my cheeks as I cry out for it, watching as it tries to escape from its prison. Dex just looks on, face full of confusion.

My hand touches something cold under the pillow. Without taking my eyes off Alex, I grab it. It's a knife. I gather myself, thinking up a plan to get at the container. I need it, I'll stop at nothing to get it back. Before I'm able to do anything, Dex speaks.

"Listen, before you say anything, give me a chance to explain." He says.

I stay silent.

"I removed your wolf and put it in here." He pauses.

Removed? I blink. How did he take away the wolf? What force on earth would be capable of doing that? I need it back, no matter the cost.

"You are obviously a little angry with me."

I scoff. He has no clue. All I want is to taste his blood. I contemplate on saying something, but decide against it in order to hear what he's trying to say.

"I had no choice but to take it, plus from the way you talked about it I thought you wanted it gone." He shrugs his shoulders, looking down at the object in his arms.

He's lying.

"But I know how I'd feel if I lost my wolf." He places a hand on his chest.

His wolf. Right. He can shift, but the origin of his capabilites still remains a mystery to me. And I don't trust him to be honest about it or anything else. It makes me wonder if that man, Ray, can shift as well. Or if there are any out there like us. I consider asking him, but decide not to.

"It's simple Avery. You follow the rules, you get your wolfy back." He says, then waits for my response. 

Again with the rules. I guess he was being serious when he mentioned it earlier. He really expects me to follow his little laws after all. The thought sends me into a rage.

"I'm just trying to protect you Avery, please understand." He pleads, taking a step forward. "Just promise you'll listen and you'll cool down on trying to kill me. Then you can have it back." His words flow through my thoughts.

Sounds like he's trying to make a bargain, but does he really think it's that easy? I will never stop trying to crush his windpipe. I meet his eyes, which look genuine. He nods at me, expectant of my agreement.

It's not going to be that easy to overpower me.

"Uhm, can you help me up?" I ask innocently.

He nods, smiling. He walks towards me, outstretching his empty hand.

You see, I'm a monster. I lack convention and rationality. You can take away the wolf, but you'll never take away my spirit.

Alex reaches me and drapes his arm around me.

I don't play to get even. I play to win.

I plunge the knife into Alex's side, and both of our screams fill the air. He releases the object containing the wolf, grabbing at my hand and the knife. I smile devilishly, staring straight into his eyes, enjoying the agony they conveyed.

The container shatters against the floor, causing an orchestra of howls to fill the air. I release the knife, letting Alex fall to the floor. The howls are almost deafening as the black mist grows, swirling around me. The lights flicker on and off, then turn off completely. I stand in the middle of a black vortex, calling to the wolf.

The spirit manifests in front of me. Two eyes as deep as an abyss. My breath hitches as it takes ahold of me, freezing my body in a vice. It opens my mouth. Endless black mist travels in and my body buckles under its power. Jolts of electricity travel through my veins and coldness seizes my body, chilling me to my core.

I collapse to the floor as the last of it enters my body, feeling as if I've been turned inside out. Waves of fresh adrenaline pump through me. I gasp at the ferocity of the beast, feeling the royal instincts radiate inside me. The wolf returns to its spot right at my core, ready to spring into action whenever I summon it.  I shout with victory, the wolf rejoicing as well.

My skin prickles, electricity rolling over my body. My arm is completely healed. Feeling rejuvenated, I laugh. All my power has been regained, the wolf returned to its rightful place. Never have I been happier to feel its presence. Alex truly underestimated me, and he's going to pay.

He thought he could humiliate me, take away everything. Think again. My wolf and I, we can't be seperate. It is me and I am it.

I walk over to Alex, who is squirming on the floor. I crouch down, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer. He groans weakly, a hand grasping his bloody side. His face is twisted with agony, eyes pleading. He's not as strong as me, and he can't heal himself like I can. Plus, judging from the amount of trust Ray has in me, I'm betting that knife was no ordinary knife, but a silver one.

Power ripples in my muscles, I feel it as I grasp the weak boy. My gaze burns into his. "Any last words?" I sneer.

Before either of us can say anything, the door swings open. Ray charges in, followed by a woman. I stand up, snarling. They look at me, then down at Alex, eyes wide with horror. The woman pulls a knife, undoubtedly silver. She shoves past Ray, lunging towards me.

"Holly, no! She's got a bond!" The man shouts, reaching after her.

It's too late, she's already within striking distance. My insides boil, the  fire sparked inside me. Quick as light, I dodge the knife and turn to her. I seize her neck, lifting her from the ground effortlessly and causing her to drop the knife. She fights me, kicking at me and grasping my arm. The man shouts, stepping towards us.

"Don't move!" I command. "Or I'll snap her neck like a toothpick." I snarl, ignoring the woman's desperate clawing.

He does as I say and freezes in his tracks, raising his hands. "Please, just let her go. Don't hurt her!" He begs.

"Why not?" I challenge.

"You have to understand. We're not your enemies."

I frown at him.

"There are people out there, that are your enemies. That will not hesitate to kill you. If we wanted you dead, we would've done it already."

I blink. The woman continues to fight me, slightly choking.

"Everything you think you know, is wrong." He speaks with purpose, eyes full of intensity.

"Alex didn't leave you. He was taken away."



Woahz! I just love this chapter so much, haha. I've been feeling super inspired lately, and I've whipped out chapters super fast. This one got posted early because I just couldn't wait to publish it. I literally wrote it in like two nights. Don't expect updates every two days though, the rest will probably be posted on Mondays. Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you liked it & please vote and comment for the next chapter.!  


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