Day 30

19 3 1

Describe how the Hobbit has Impacted you?:

"OH GOSH!" this is the question I struggle with the most, I feel because I literally cannot find the correct words to describe how much this Fictional World has helped me... Like you know when you're describing something amazing, but you aren't putting it into the right words, but you don't necessarily know said words to describe it.

I will literally become frustrated with this question, because I cannot put into words how good this story is.

I just love how complex the storyline is and the history of Middle Earth, and the diversity of all the different species of the land is... is just so profound that I can't even comprehend how J.R.R Toilken could have even come up with this.

Not only did he create several different Made up languages for the Dwarves and the Elves, he created an entire history for Middle Earth. It is just so, so... I don't know a word to to say about that other than fascinating... BUT THAT FEELS LIKE THAT WORD ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!!! 

Sorry I went all Moriarty there for a second, but can you see my frustration?

This story and plot line creates such Lubency for me that, that it's like a drug for me. I become indicted to it, to the plot line and characters, and the Fandom. I just have to learn more and more until there is nothing left to learn. 

I want to have more and more  until there is nothing left for me to take from this Fandom.

I Love to indulge myself into the depth, and that is how this book has helped me. Toilken has whisked me away into Middle earth, it is my stress reliever... to isolate myself in the story, I like to pretend that I was apart of that adventure, I like to pretend. 

And that is how this book has helped me

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