Day 15

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What is your opinion when someone says that the book is boring?:

My opinion when someone says that the book is boring is mostly just like 

Ha... Your Loss

But I can understand why people would find this book to be boring... But I just think that the fact  that J.R.R. Toilken, made up an entire worlds, with unique species and plot lines and the geographical layouts is just phenomenal... he created languages and religions and ways of life for all of these creatures and species.

I just am delighted by the diversity and complexion that is Middle earth, this causes me to want to learn more... and, and just take in all I can about this fictional place.

I guess the reason I love reading this book so much, is that I actually really love History, it just amazes me, how historical figures made the decisions that they did in order to get us where we are. The Hobbit, it's like fictional history, which makes it even better and more appealing to me.

So ladies and Gentlemen, if you say that The Hobbit is a boring book, than you have no taste for a good adventure... because if there ever was a great adventure... it was when Bilbo Baggins left the shire to go on the quest to reclaim Erebor with Thorin Oakanshield and Company

( Lord of the Rings is awesome too, but this is The Hobbit Challenge."

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