Up to Speed

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AN: Sweet Pea is only in this part a little, this is a background to make you under Lizzie's past. Also, there will be dialog but again, this is just background.

Ever since Lizzie was a little girl, her mom, Michelle Miner, told her that her birth father had died. She would tell stories as Lizzie was laying in bed of a nobleman, a man who would fight for the right thing, and a man that only wanted to keep the peace.  A man that had short beautiful black hair, flowing gracefully to the back of his head. He had a rugged beard, that would probably have piercings of white sticking out now. He was a leader to his people, and respected, but one day, people that didn't like her dad and his people, decided it was time to end the peace and ended up killing the entire group, including the leader, her dad. Lizzie had always wanted to know more about her dad and wanted to see what he looked like, besides the painting she had of him in her head, but one day, when she was about 11, her mom came home with a man that would end up being her new dad. A man, named Luke Tyler, that would abuse her and a man that one day, would kill her mother.

At first, it was all unicorn and rainbows. Luke became her dad, she was able to put a face to the name "dad", and she liked it.  She became close with him and trusted him, just like her mom, because she didn't have a reason not to.  Luke was a powerful man, living California, long from their home in New York.  He brought them to California and made it their home, he introduced them to this expensive lifestyle that gave them everything they needed.  Michelle and Lizzie were doing fine in New York, Michelle was working a desk job that provided just enough for her and her daughter to live their lives happily, but this was an upgrade in all aspects of their life, or so they thought. 

Not long after moving to California, Luke forced Michelle and Lizzie to change their names to match his.  He wanted to show his ownership of them, he especially didn't want any other men or boys looking at them like they could take them from him. He became possessive of Michelle and would get angry when he didn't know where she went. He didn't allow Michelle to work, so she would volunteer at different places, such as humane societies, and local food pantries to make herself useful. 

About 2 years into their marriage, is when Luke started to abuse Michelle. Their house was so big, that Lizzie never knew about it until later in life, but Luke would brand Michelle from their fireplace in their room when she was sleeping or when she would come in late from a night volunteering, which caused Michelle to turn to alcohol. Michelle would drink all day and all night because her husband made enough for her to enjoy it whenever she wanted. Michelle then began involving herself with a local gang, called the Solo Angeles, to hurt Michelle, he secretly offered to pay for whatever drugs and or alcohol the gang wanted as long as they kept Michelle on a tight leash, knowing he could no longer control Michelle, he turned to Lizzie.

Lizzie started dating in the 7th grade, it was nothing serious. Holding hands, going to the beach together, and other innocent dates, but Luke didn't like that she was pursuing boys, and without his permission.  The day after he found out about her boyfriend, who happened to be the son of the local gang leader, he took Lizzie into his bedroom and choked her until she fell unconscious. Lizzie woke up in a local hospital with her mom and Luke sitting on each side of her, when she asked what happened Luke quickly responded and told her that her boyfriend had strangled her, because of his gang roots.

The abuse only increased from there, but it was hidden well. Luke would slay her in the same spot until she bled, or suffocate her with a pillow, or kick her in the ribs or legs, just enough that she was in terrible pain but she was able to hide it.  One day she tried to run away, back to New York, when she was about 15, but Luke's gang caught her and brought her home, and that's when he burned her, just like he did to her mother.

Sweet Pea | TensionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora