theme songs for my friends

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I do wish to shout out to my friends but im going to say there nicknames and my nickname just for safety. Also if my friends are seeing this I tryed ok.

This is for Wolfie. Ok so this might be tooooo preppy but he does kinda act like this.

This is for TheGermanMeme. She is a really cool dude (undertail for you to know) and unlike others she has a calming yet fun vibe around her.

This is for KK. It's kinnda like me and her talking but Im the girl and she's the guy.

This is me or Brook. I love this song and it's talking about once being so shy to turning to a freak And no matter what they say you still are the same

This is for JJ. She is one of the only people that understands me and dont laugh at what I am and we get along so nicely.

This is for my Mc Hommie XD. Rumer has it that he broke up with what was one of my emo friends for me..? Yes, date the girl that's a stranger thing (stranger things) cuz thats what guys like.

This is for K. He acts A LOT like the guy and when we where a thing he use to get in A LOT of fights (but that ended when we ended) and now he's being a jerk to my buddy

This is what was one of my emo friends. At school she chill but at home she wasnt her. But we dont talk anymore.

This is for the youtuber/friend UnicornCatPigises. She is a nice person and I can relate to her on must things.

this is for my A Man. He is kinda a perv but when he is not he is a vary funny person.

Thx for over 50 views and I hope I can get up to 100. If you like a book plz tell me so I'll make more and bbbyyyeee.

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