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          So I guess it all started when I was little and loved to sing and explore the world. Not just sit home and play with my blocks and swing in my backyard. Just kidding. Well, that's true, it just really started when I was in eighth grade. I was dating my boyfriend Blake and everything seemed right. I was playing my sports and singing like always. I finally felt complete. Like everything i've always wanted I had. I felt like all my thanks went to Blake.

          Blake would say stuff that would just make me not only blush but just made me feel special. Like his only girl. Hah if that were only true. He always talked about how he would be my number one fan and how I was so beautiful. It seemed as if all my insecurities were gone. Like I was invinsible almost. Nothing could stop me from achieving what ever I wanted to do.  Having the ability to conquer my fears and make my dream come true despite my appearance. Although, that wasn't what happened. I stayed that insecure girl, afraid of rejection and embarassment. Call me a coward i you want, but no matter how times Blake told me all these things I could never push myself enough to believe them. I just couldn't see myself like that. The way he saw me. Maybe one day I'll believe those words and believe in myself. Someday I'll have the ability to tell a bigger story than this one.

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