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dedicated to Kate, because her books and completely down to earth personality have always managed to help me remember why I ever fell in love with wattpad in the first place.

A/N: i wrote this when i was fifteen and i know it needs hella editing and rewrites (esp. the way i wrote Max's character Y I K E) but i'm gonna put it back up for the time being. i'm cringing, but you might not be! enjoy!!

THERE ARE SOso many different types of French fries.

Salted and seasoned, straight and curly, waffle and crinkle, wedged and thin. Heck, there are even those adorable little smiley face ones. You know, the ones that make you feel like a really, really happy cannibal whenever you shove their little smiling faces into your mouth?  Yep. Those are the ones!

Honestly, I don't even know how I functioned before I discovered these incredibly delicious delicacies.  

They're more than a weekly want; they're the craving that I get at 2am on any given day.

They're literally the definition of delicious.

And if you haven't already drawn your own conclusion about what I feel deep, deep inside my soul about French fries, I think I'm going to need to put it in simpler terms:

To me, French fries are the shit.

Yeah, you heard me.

They are the absolute best razzle-frackin food in the entire galaxy.

Now, that being said, there's one other thing that I know for certain:

The fries from Debby's Diner are definitely the ones to beat. They are, without a doubt, the best variety of fry I have ever had the privilege of consuming, and even that is putting my love for these particular fries lightly.

You know, while I'm aware that that statement probably appears to be a quickly formed opinion, I'm also aware that it's not.

It's a fact.

A fact that has been proven again and again and again, with statistics and numbers and data to support it.

Data, of course, in the form of family members and friends that I've introduced to the heavenly things that are Debby's fries.

Those wonderfully, beautifully, and deliciously thin and crispy fries, with that light seasoning and their particularly amazing melt-in-your-mouth quality... their entire make-up is just absolutely orgasmic.

As I inhaled the scent of said fries I sighed with happiness, ignoring the slightly sticky feeling of the counter that I was currently resting my butt on, my legs dangling in the air. I'm pretty sure that the delicious odors wafting my way from the kitchen were the only things keeping me awake at that moment.

Well, that, and the happy little hum that filled the atmosphere with comfort and joy. The worn faux leather booths that lined the walls were filled with a few families here and there, creating a constant white noise of conversation as Sly and the Family Stone played softly through the speakers. 

Now, typically around 8 o'clock pm on a weekday, I'd be curled up in bed with a good book or the day's homework. But, since I was seventeen, owned a car, and happened to be completely complaint free, I'd been elected to make the run out for dinner. 

'I'm so, so sorry Charlotte! I'm just so swamped with all of these new cases... I don't think I can take a break to go grab dinner. I'm probably not going to get much sleep as it is.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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