Chapter 7: The Promise

Start from the beginning

"Here you go! Your server will be here in a bit to take your order." he said before walking off again.

I was shocked at the appearance of Mr. Johnson. Tall, tan, stone-faced, and muscular was what I could best described him. He was a few inches shorter than me and not as muscular but he still intimidating.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Johnson." I said with a smile, reaching out for a handshake.

"Mmmm hmmm, and you're Nate." he montoned, ignoring my hand.

I pulled back with an awkward cough and Mrs. Johnson elbowed Mr. Johnson in the ribs. Chris looked uncomfortable but held onto my hand as we sat down.

"Ooohhh, Nate! I must say you look quite handsome in your tux. You do too, Chris!" Mrs. Johnson giggled.

"None of us look as good as you, Mrs. Johnson! You're looking like a stone cold fox!" I teased.

She blushed and laughed but I noticed Mr. Johnson's glare. Chris shifted and quickly said something to get his father's attention off of me.

"I've missed you, dad! How was London?"

Mr. Johnson smiled at his son and began to tell him about his trip. Soon, we were all listening to his interesting story.

"Hi! My name is Scott and I'll be your waiter for tonight! Is everyone ready to order?" he said after approaching our table.

"For food no but we are ready to order drinks." Mr. Johnson replied.

"Great! So what can I get you, sir?" Scott asked Mr. Johnson.

After taking all of our drink orders, Scott left with the promise of returning soon. Awkward silence then took over us. Mr. Johnson glared at me when Chris squeezed my hand and snuggled into me.

"Chris, I don't think you should be doing that in front of your father. He's glaring at me." I whispered in his ear.

"But I'm cold!" Chris replied with a cute pout.

I smiled at him before taking off my jacket and wrapping it around him. Chris blushed and thanked me as he snuggled into the jacket's warmth.

"I'd rather you be keeping me warm instead of your jacket but it'll do." Chris giggled.

"And how exactly does he keep you warm, son?"

Mr. Johnson had his arms crossed over his chest and gave us both a stern look. Chris looked shocked and slightly scared. My wolf growled threateningly in my head but I eased him.

'Mate scared.' he growled.

'It's okay, bud. I would never let Chris get hurt so relax.'

He growled again but settled down. Chris gulped and look at me for help. I smiled at him and shifted my eyes to his father, who was still glaring at us.

"Hugs, of course." I answered confidently, even though I was nervous he would not believe me.

He should though because I highly doubt Chris was suggesting anything dirty. He probably meant cuddling or maybe he really did mean hugs.

"Good. I don't want you to ruin my son's innocence" Mr. Johnson said, his glare decreasing slighty.

Mrs. Johnson smirked and Chris blushed at his comment. Oh, if only he knew what his innocent son was doing a few nights ago.

"I would never, sir."

He hummed and grabbed his menu. All of us followed suit. I scanned over the items and decided on a bowl of three cheese and beef stuffed raviolis.

The Gym Teacher's Innocent Mate (Manxboy)Where stories live. Discover now