"Just a small thing." He pointed at the broken stadium from the window. "There's this man that lives there. He owns me some dough. And he hasn't paid back."

I scoffed. "You want us to take care of him?"

"Not killing him. But just give him a scare with your werewolves. Make him scared." Marcus smiled.


"Yeah. I need you and that dumb one." He pointed at Scott.

I gave a humorless laugh. "Scott McCall? Nope. Forget it. Bye."

I was about to walk out the door when Minho stopped me. He looked at me. "Newt."

I groaned. Newt was alive somewhere and I need to get to him.

"Fine. But if he gets himself killed, it's not my fault."


The stadium was completly done. We couldn't even enter by the doors. We had to go underground. And it smelled really bad down there. And I had to enjoy the company of Scott McFall. The fell twice before we even entered the tunnels.

"So..." He said.

"Shush, keep your senses open and don't talk to me." I shushed him.

"What are we looking for?" He whispered.

"A man."

"Yes but what kind of man."

I rolled my eyes. "You know, not everyone is supernatural."

"But he could be."

"Not everything is about you, Scott." I said bitterly.

"Of course. Because I asked to be turned into a werewolf, get hunted by my girlfriend's family, have to fight a big Alpha that turned out to be Derek's uncle, then fight Jackson, then fight a pack full of Alpha werewolves and--."

"Yes. And I ask to be broken hearted by Lydia, you stealing Malia, me being possesed by a Nogitsune, my mom dying, my dad drinking, running for my life. Scott, we all have things we didn't ask for."

The flashlight was in my hand and a rat passed. And Scott sighed. "Yes but Sti--."

"My name's Thomas." I said gritted teeth.

"I'll call you Thomas the day I die."

I shrugged. "Fine by me."

I heard him growled. Everything was going great.

"Why do you hate me?" He asked and made me stop.

I turned around and flashed the flashlight on his face. "Are you kidding me? You don't even know?"

He shook his head. "I'm asking now."

I grunted. Be better to tell him that moment.

"You-you! You blamed me for Donovan's death. You trusted Theo Raeken over me. You stole Malia from me. You-you forgot me. And then, you had the nerve to kick me out of the pack. And just hoped that we would be buddies again!"

I kicked a wall making me yell in frustration and pain. "I was with you in every aspect of your wolfness. I was the one that helped you. I even risked my life for you in that motel!"

His face paled. He didn't expect that at all.

"Yes, remember? You were going to kill yourself. And I saved you. Every word I said that day was true. And I didn't care if you killed us. At least I died with my brother by my side. I called you my family, I WAS WITH YOU IN ALL YOUR GODDAMN LIFE." I yelled.

"Want to know a good story?" I said, not sure if I didn't catch the Flare.

Scott only nodded, speachless.

"Back when I was a founder, Mary--Mark's sister died. And she was one of the persons that meant so much to me. And when she died, I didn't see a good end. I became an assassin and shot Mark on his knee. I was the one that got him his limp. And if I was a werewolf, I would have blue eyes for all the shit I done." I laughed.

"One day, after my fare share of killing. I broke down crying. Punching the walls and I got an idea. That I didn't think through. Anways, I went to the armory, grabbed a gun, loaded and wrote a letter. I locked the door and pressed the gun to my head." I held my hand on my head, as if it was a gun.

"Took me ten minutes to decide if I wanted to end my life. And just as I was about to pull the trigger. The door unlocked and a young Mark came through it." I gave a laugh. "Back then he was a geek and he had glasses and his eyes were two."

I shook my head. "He dropped all he had on his hand from the shock. And I just stood there, with a gun pressed on my head and crying. After what seem to be forever. He walked slowly to grab another gun, he loaded that one. And I thought he would put me out of my misery. But he died the unexpected. You know what he did?"

"What?" Scott's voice was a mere whisper.

"He pressed again his head. He smiled at me and just said three words. When you're ready. And I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. So I dropped the gun. And he dropped it as well. He told me about his feeling and how he tried to kill himself the night before. He showed me his cuts. He said that Mary was the only family he had left and that he didn't have no one."

I started walking again. "You were my best friend, Scott. And there was a moment that I would had died for you. But it's over. The long last friendship I feared would break, finally broke. You and I aren't friends, you are my ally do not get confused, alright?"

Scott sighed. "I'm still going to call you Stiles."

And a little smile formed on my lips.

"Sarcasm is not my only defense now, McCall. But my bat is still useful as fuck."

The Sciles feels. This is a small Sciles moment but made me smile a lot. Even if I put a suicide attempt by Thomas part. I loved when the little smile formed on his lips. And he made a reference about his old friendship. Like, saying about his suicide attempt helped him work his way to forgive Scott.

And I didn't want to put Mark saying "Trust me or don't do this." Because Mark also pained. And I wanted to make him grab a gun and say "When you're ready." Now IM EXCITED.

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