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~ alyssa's pov ~

1:09 p.m.

I've always wanted to go to California, I thought as Morgan and I walk into the plane and take our seats. I sit a few rows back from her, waving. I plop down into my window seat, plugging my ear buds into my iPod. I lay my head back, gazing out the window. The night sky is filled with stars. I slowly fall asleep to the sound of classical music, filling my ears.


We arrived in Cali after a couple hour flight. Morgan shook me awake.

"Aly, wake up. We're here."

She unplugs the headphones from my ears and puts them in my pocket.

I slowly stand up, shaking my head. I follow Morgan out of the plane, realizing that we were the last ones off.

We quickly grabbed our luggage. Morgan ordered an Uber to our new house, only knowing the address. We had never been to the house yet, only seeing the outside in pictures. I had wondered about the neighbors, but that was the least of my problems.

Morgan's college is an hour and a half drive from our house, but I worried about staying in a big house all alone. She said she would visit on the weekends, but that wasn't enough for me. Morgan had already completed her community college for two years back in New York, but needed another four to six years to get her medical degree. I was entering an online college for a year or two to become a journalist, one of my dreams since I was a kid.

We waited outside the airport with our luggage, the Uber pulling up to the curb.

A tall, brown haired man with green eyes stepped out of the car. He had a bit of a mustache, but nothing drastic.

"Hello ladies. May I take your bags?" He asked in a graveley voice.

"Yes, please." Morgan answered.

We set our bags down and crawled into the car. The inside was normal, pretty large, preferably an SUV. Morgan buckled her seatbelt and I did the same. The man opened the driver's door and sat down. He put on his seatbelt, and turned his head around.

"So, where to?" He said, smiling.

Morgan handed him a small piece of paper with the address on it. He took it and entered it into his GPS. The man handed it back to Morgan. I got a better look at his face. He seemed to be around our age.

"I'm Brennen by the way." He told us.

"Um, hey Brennen." Morgan said.

We sat in the car for a few seconds and Brennen started the car.

"Okay, this is starting to get awkward." Brennen said, turning on the radio. Bazzi's "Mine" started to play.

I love this song. I said under my breath, looking at my phone.

"So, how about you guys?"

"Oh, of course. I'm Morgan, and this is my sister, Alyssa." Morgan said.

"Well hey, Morgan and Alyssa." He said, grinning and looking at me through the rearview mirror. Morgan elbowed me in my side.

"Oww . . . Hey Brennen." I said, trying to smile.

We approached the house. I never realized how big it was. There were huge pillars at the entrance of the home.

"Hey, my friends live there," Brennen said smiling, pointing to the house next door. "I'd say watch yourselves, they can get a bit rowdy at times."

Great, something else to worry about. I thought. It looked like there were multiple cars in their driveway. I counted, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 cars.

"They have six cars?" I asked.

"Yeah, that house is big enough for quite a few people. They're all roommates. I bet you'll meet them in due time." Brennen answered.



Hey everyone. Thanks for reading the first chapter. I know it was short, sorry if this is trash. It'll get better ♡

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