Meet the Characters

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So i'm doing this so y'all know a bit about the characters and their diseases/illnesses. I want to say, I'm not a medical professional, and I also don't have all of these(clearly). I am, however, chronically ill myself, and I have also been in inpatient before(18 miserable, miserable days). So, if you have any of these illnesses, and I write something incorrectly, please let me know and I will try my best to fix it!

Marius Pontmercy - Beautiful boy, my son, love him. Has a really weak immune system(likely from an autoimmune disease, such as an undiagnosed celiac's disease. Undiagnosed, getting biopsy soon. His blood tests came back positive for Celiac's, but to confirm, a biopsy will be performed).

Cosette - A beautiful woman I love her so much my child fdjsalf okay anyway, I imagine her like one of the girls I ran into during my inpatient experience. She was kind of on the slower side, but she was really sweet and kind. Very health concious(which would fit in with book Cosette wonderfully), I also suspect she had some sort of eating disorder. In the hospital because she had a plan for suicide. 

Enjolras - Brave man. He started having symptoms such as back pain and cape like pain back when he was 14ish. For 5 years, he ignored it until it got so bad that he could barely walk without losing feeling in his legs, he was overly fatigued all the time, developed a tachycardia, he couldn't breathe, and he felt like he was in a vice clamp. His arms also grew very weak, and some days he couldn't even get out of bed. He has terrible migraines almost everyday. He is in the hospital to be monitered while he discovers his diagnosis(which is syringomyelia/chiari 1 malformation-- i have Chiari malformation and I have to get a spinal MRI to check for a syrinx in my spine. Also fun fact, my arms are so tired from writing this, I have to take a break.)

Grantaire - this wonderful boyo got drugs and alcohol from his parents(also inspired by another kid that i ran into in inpatient)(you guys can't tell how much I take a break but i'm just telling you whenever i need to take a break. I really am over exhurting myself rn. I'm gonna vomit but i want to finish this tonight. Grammar might get steadily worse). Due to this fun stuff, atop of bulimia with anorexic tendencies, his organs pretty much hate him. His lungs are plaquey and he has a chronic cough as well as asthma. He has stomach ulcers and acid reflux. He also has a failing liver and has to be on the waiting list for a liver transplant and his pancreas is pretty bad too. He has a temor and often runs out of breath while talking. His memory also isn't that great.

Eponine - okay my fave girl okay?? I picture her to be in inpatient with more psychiatric things. I think her home life is so stressful, she struggles with blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, a panic disorder, and fainting. Therefore, while things get sorted out with her family, she is under servaillence in a "stress free" environment.(at this time I had to go to sleep lmaoo) She also has dermatillomania. 

Combeferre - He's not sick, but he visits Enjolras so often to encourage him that he will be okay, so the others know him pretty well.

Courfeyrac - what a man. Poor boy has cancer, but it is rapidly spreading. Virtually inoperable due to the places it is located and how much it is. It started out as prostate cancer, but it spread to his lymph nodes and then to his lungs and other places. 

Jean (Jehan) Prouvaire - Attempted suicide; is on close ops due to him trying to hang himself with his bedsheets. 

Bahoral - In rehab for drug and alcohol abuse

Joly - Suicide plan. In rehab. The doctors and nurses are pretty well sick of him, due to how he is a hypochondriac and overreacts over really small things. Otherwise, he is perfectly happy and a wonderful boy. 

Bossuet - Had a brain tumor. In the hospital for survaillance while on chemo and radiation; has no hair due to chemotherapy(hence the nickname). Once the tumor stops reacting to the chemo, he will be operated on. 

Feuilly - An RN who takes care of the kids, despite not being that much older than them(around 24/25)

Fantine - Cosette's worried mother, who is also in the hospital due to birth complications with another child. The placenta erupted and due to the clashing blood types, Fantine got very sick. She eventually dies. 

Jean Valjean - The head nurse on the adult unit floor. Takes good care of all the young adults. All of them love him

Javert - security guard i guess. Doesn't like how lenient Valjean is with the sick people. 

(can you tell I'm starting to get tired again djakfld)

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