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WARNING!: This chapter contains sensitive subjects such as sexual assault and suicide attempts.

Reaper's P.O.V.

I look in my closet, excited for this, it's almost like a date! I'm confused by my behavior though, I'm always flirting with him and now I'm acting like a lovesick teen; even though I kinda am one... I look through my closet, only finding either cloaks or onesies, groaning in irritation. "Ugh! None of these are cute enough!!" I whine childishly. Suddenly I remember a outfit I hid due to embarrassment. I get on my knees, opening a door in the floor taking out the outfit. I quickly put it on summoning my lower ecto body so it fits better. I twirl around in the mirror making sure I looked presentable. I nod at myself, then head downstairs.

Geno's P.O.V.

I'm shocked when I see Reaper, he's standing at the top of the stairs blushing slightly and fiddling with the rim if his skirt! I can feel my face start to heat up but I refuse to show it. "You ready?" I ask him bluntly. He nods his head, looking down in embarrassment. As we start to walk, him to the side of me, I take a closer look at his outfit. He's wearing a red skirt with a black rim to it, with a black belt with silver spikes. His shirt, oh. My. Lord! A large red turtleneck that looks too big for him, covering his mouth and his hands. He's wearing small heels as well. "Um... Is something wrong?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I realize I'm staring at Reaper. "I'm fine." I walk faster getting ahead of him refusing these emotions. Once I look back I see him look... Hurt. I feel a pain in my chest at this but I ignore it, Entering the restaurant with Reaper following behind me. Once we enter a rabbit waitress takes us to our table. "Here, this way." She takes my arm in hers and sets us at a table in the corner. "Ok, one adult menu and one kids menu!" She looks at Reaper smugly making me mad.

Reaper's P.O.V.

How dare she! First of all, why the hell is that bitch getting all handsy with Geno, secondly why is she being so rude to me?! That little rabbit in heat is going to regret it if she continues...  "May I check your menu when your done looking?" I ask Geno. He nods then hands me the menu. I quickly choose what I want. "Are you ready to order?" I look over seeing the rabbit bitch talking to Geno. "Yes we have. You first Reaper." I look at her tell her my order refusing to make eye contact. Then Geno orders and she finally leaves. I sigh in relief but it doesn't last long as she soon comes back your food, mine significantly smaller than normal. "Here ya go!" She says cheerfully. "Can I get a prize for being a good waitress?" She asks Geno, pointing to her cheek. "Wha-?" He begins but is interrupted when she kisses his cheek then winks at him. "Cutie~" I growl, standing up and running out of the restaurant Geno calling me back but I continue. As I continue I realize I have no clue where I am. I walk around aimlessly, trying to find my way back but I only lead myself into a dead end of an alleyway. "Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in~!" I hear a gruff voice come behind me. I whip around only to be met by a group of men blocking my path. I back up nervously but hit the wall. "Get 'im boys!" I try and open a portal but before I can get through they pin me and attach a magic repressing collar. I whimper as they look down at me hungrily. "Let's play little boy, you can start with our 'pixie sticks'." The 'leader' says, laughing maniacally. I begin to tear up, knowing what's gonna happen.

Geno's P.O.V.

I'm searching for Reaper, I lost view if him about five minutes earlier. I slow my pace, closing my one good eye focusing all my energy in my ears. After a couple of seconds I hear a shrill scream of pure fear and sorrow. I recognize the voice.... Reaper.

Reaper's P.O.V.

I scream for help, thrashing around wildly, trying to escape their grasp. I whimper and cry as they force their members into my mouth, they tie my arms behind my back tightly after a few minutes they force me to the ground, shredding my outfit. I kick and scream wanting this all to stop. I squeeze my eyes shut not wanting to see what their going to do. But i feel nothing happen. I open my eye sockets, to be met with a very unhappy Geno dusting my attackers. I notice my situation and out of my embarrassment I quickly close my legs, my ecto body not disappearing due to a liquid they forced on me. Geno steps towards, I flinch and begin to shiver, scared.

Geno's P.O.V.

After a while of running, the noise gets louder. I almost got lost due to a moment of utter silence but found my way. I soon turn the corner into a dead end alleyway, only to be met with a horrific sight. There, on the ground, is Reaper. Tied up and in shredded clothing. I feel my anger build up as I witness his attackers try and force his legs open, him kicking and struggling in vain. Everything turns black as I attack his attackers, dusting every. Last. One of them. I turn to Reaper when my vision clears after my fit of rage. The ground is covered in dust, and as I take a step towards Reaper, he-or more like she, at the moment, flinches, shaking in fear, closing her eyes tightly. I quietly kneel in front of her, stroking her cheek gingerly, afraid she'll shatter like glass. She opens her eyes, looking up at me like I'm her savior, or even, god. I untie her, burn and stab wounds all over her body. I put my coat around her, carefully lifting her up bridal style and carry her home.

~Le time skip, brought to you by: PTSD~

Reaper's P.O.V.

It's been a week since the incident, I refuse to eat or sleep, I spend most of my days staring at the ceiling or carving wounds into me. I have made my decision. This is my last day. I grab a chair, and make a noose. I grab a piece of paper, writing an apology for being such a disappointment and everything. Telling them to look out at the moon and I'll be there. And I'll send down the purest and whitest doves to be my helping eye to watch over them. I set the note on my dresser and put the noose on my neck. I take one more breath and push the chair out from under me.

Geno's P.O.V.

It's been a while since the incident and Reaper refuses to leave his room. He doesn't eat and I don't think he's sleeping either. I'm getting really worried. I knock on his door but get no answer. I knock again and this time it creeks open allowing a choking noise to reach my nonexistent ears. I look in shock as I see Reaper hanging there, barely alive. I quickly cut the rope and call 911. "911, what's your emergency?" "Help! My girlfriend just tried hanging himself!"

(A/N)- Sorry this took so long, there's a lot of stuff going on rn.

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