Chapter 3

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I jumped up on my bed looking around in the darkness, there is nobody here but i can feel eyes starting into the back of my head, i turn to look out of my window but saw no one outside. I got off my bed and walked to my door and towards my grandmas room, i knocked before going in, i look around the door to see an empty room. 

"Grandma where are you?" i shout, i hear nothing coming from the house. where can everyone be? 

"Daddy?" i shouted with more fear. All i hear is my breathing, i still feel like i'm being watched but i ignore it i need to find my daddy. i run downstairs and look in every room before going to look out the window for daddy's car which wasn't there. 

"Daddy, grandma where have you gone" i shout, my tears beginning to fall. where can they be? 


It has been 2 weeks since I've been on my own. I still don't know where grandma or daddy has gone but I am not running out of food. I need to go out an find some soon but I don't know how to get to the shops.

I go and get changed into my walking shoes and set off out of the house towards the direction my daddy comes from in the car. It is a cold day so I pull my coat up as high as it goes to keep warm.

I continue to walk for about a mile before I start to hear rustling in the bushes beside me. I start to run as fast as i can. i hear running beside me in the trees i stop running as a huge dog jumps in front of my, he growls as i come to a stop. 

I scream before trying to run the other way but another dog came out of the trees behind me. 

"nice doggy" i say as i put my hands up. 

"What is a little girl like you doing all the way out in the forest?" A large man walked out of the trees and stood beside one of the dogs. 

" I was going shopping but i think i'm lost" I said with fear, i was told not to talk to strangers. 

"where is your mummy?" he asked

"I don't have  mummy i have a grandma" i told him. 

"And where is she now?" 

"At home" i lied 

"i don't think she is little girl, We have been to your house and no one is there, you are ll by your self and do you know why that is" he said, i shook my head. 

"thats because they know what you are, and hate you for being born" he said. 

"why would you say such things its not true" I shout, i forget about the dogs and i start to run into the forest, i run as fast as i can but i got tackled to the ground by a dog and i scream before darkness takes over me. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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