18 || Beth's New Power

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Within minutes of Lillie's powerful speech, we came up with a plan just between the seven of us. We didn't have a lot of time before the two would be taken for their Banishment, but we used the most of what we had to gather the things that we needed so that we could get the hell out of the Glen.

While Sonya, Harriet, and Maeve went to go get weapons for all of us, Lillie and I kept a lookout around the Glen, making sure no one knew what we were up to. We were sitting by what was left of the Gardens, picking at the grass.

"That was brave, speaking up like that," I told Lillie. "I know that you were still getting used to talking and all..."

"I had to say something," Lillie replied. "Rachel needed to stop doubting herself, stop thinking that all of this was her fault." She stopped talking, huffing a quick sigh. "As much as I love Harriet, we need a new leader for this final trip into the Maze, and Rachel has to be the one to lead us out."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." I grabbed her hand. "We're gonna go home."

She squeezed my hand, giving me a small smile. "I hope so, Piper."

"Hey!" Maeve called out, running towards us. She handed both of us medium-sized swords. "These should work."

I let go of Lillie's hand and took the sword. "Yes, they're great," I exclaimed, examining the weapon. "How much longer until the Banishment?"

"Not long," Maeve responded. "We should get to our positions now."

"Right." I stood up, along with Lillie, and followed Maeve towards the Doors. "Maeve?"


"Do you think this plan is going to work?"

She let out a shaky breath. "It better bloody work."


The time for the Banishment was here and I couldn't stop shaking or thinking about the hundreds of ways this plan could go wrong. I was worried that the other Glenners already knew what we were up to and had a plan of their own. However, Lillie assured me that everything would be okay. I was hoping that she was right about that.

Beth was leaning against the Wall, her arms folded over her chest, when a couple of Builders came over with Rachel, her hands tied behind her back. Then, Cora followed suit with Aris in her grasp. The Builders threw Rachel to the ground, smirking as she let out a groan in pain, while Cora took Aris to one of the giant poles that stood right in front of the Doors.

"This is such a waste of time, to be honest," Beth said, cutting the ropes off of Rachel. "But it has to be done."

"Beth, wait," Gwyneth spoke up. Beth looked up at her friend. "This...this doesn't feel right. I mean, what if Rachel is right? What if she can get us out of here and lead us home?"

Beth sighed, giving Gwyneth an assuring look. "We are home." She looked around at the rest of us. "I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to have to cross any more names off of the Wall."

"You really think holding a Banishment for us is gonna solve anything?" Aris spoke up.

Beth shook her head. "No. Which is why this isn't really a Banishment. It's an Offering."

"What?!" Harriet spoke up.

"Wait, no!" Aris protested as Cora pinned him to the pole and tied his arms above him.

"Beth, what are you doin'?" Gwyneth asked in shock, her mouth slightly open. "You told us that this was gonna be a Banishment!"

"You really think, after what Rachel has done, I'm going to let her back into the Maze? Look at our sticking Glen! This is the only way! And when the damn Grievers get what they came here for, then everything will go back to the way it was!"

"Are any of you listening to this?!" Aris shouted. "She's crazy! If you stay here, then the Grievers are going to come back and they're gonna keep coming back until you're all dead!"

"Shut the hell up!" Beth yelled in anger. She looked at the Glenners by Rachel. "Tie the stick up!"

As the Glenners reached down to pick up Rachel, she elbowed each one and stood up, snatching the spear from one of them. Lillie headed for Aris and cut his hands free from the rope, while Sonya, Harriet, and Maeve ambushed the other Glenners that were going after Rachel.

Beth went after Rachel was well, but I held my sword up against the back of her neck. "Don't move," I commanded, moving around her, the sword still pointed right at her face. I backed up and stood between Lillie and Rachel.

Beth chuckled. "You're full of surprises, aren't you, Rachel?" she inquired, cocking her head to the side.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving," she replied, holding her spear up. "Anyone else who wants to come, now's your last chance!"

"Don't listen to her! She's just trying to scare you!" Beth shouted at the others.

"No, I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared," she stated. "I'm scared, too. But we don't belong here. This place isn't our home. We were put here by the Creators. Out there, we have a damn choice. We can make it out of here. I know we can. I'd risk it all just to be free from this place. Don't any of you want your freedom back?"

No one said a word or moved a muscle immediately. But, after a brief moment, the first person to move to our side was Gwyneth.

"What the hell, Gwyn?!" Beth screamed. "After all we've been through in the last two years..."

"I can't stay in this stickin' place anymore, Beth," she cut her off. "Rachel is right. We don't belong here. We never have. I don't want to spend the rest of my life here, wonderin' why I didn't join Rachel and everyone else when I had the chance. I'm sorry it had to come down to this, but this is my choice, and I'm not changin' my mind." Gwyneth stood up a little taller, giving Beth a deliberate look.

Soon, Cora was next, then Emily, Jane, Helen, a couple of Builders, a few Planters, one Cook, and some Cutters. Beth now had hardly any one left on her side. She looked down at the grass in defeat.

"It's over, Beth," Rachel stated. "Just come with us. You know that you can't stay here."

She huffed a sigh, then looked up at Rachel. "Good luck against the Grievers."

With that, all of us took one final glance at the Glen, then headed into the Maze, our hearts pounding and our will to fight even stronger than ever.

We were going to leave the Maze and finally go home.

A/N: Ayeeee!

So I thought I was gonna have 19 chapters, but now I can split this chapter up and so I'll have 20 chapters! I'm so excited (I say that for every chapter, LOL).

Song above is Torches by X Ambassadors.

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