potential boyfriend

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when i was a high school second year, i had the biggest crush on this boy who i'm gonna give the name [ricardo]. that wasn't his name, but lets just say it was because i don't want someone to tell him in case anyone here knows me in real life, cause i have him on facebook still.

i had the biggest crush on [ricardo] when i was fifteen/sixteen.

he was handsome.

ivory skin, his hair was always styled into a mohawk, but not a propper one with the sides shaved off. he had what i like to call semi-hawk, a pretty-boy-hawk, or a fake-hawk. he had lovely brown eyes and he was tall. the only problem with him was that he was so arrogant and so full of himself.

that's not the point.

i only had him in biology class. and the desks were set up with four desks facing each other to form a group. 

he was in my group.

lucky, lucky me.

so he sat on the seat to my right. and the tables were so close together that his knees would graze mine. and i would die on the inside because he would just smile and not move away from me. sometimes he would talk to me. but he didn't speak english too well because he was from Mexico, so he mostly kept to himself when he wasn't with his friends. but he was really nice to me always, though he was a jerk to other girls.

and i told my friend, my best friend, who's was a total gossip and couldn't keep a secret. she didn't tell him, but she did the next most embarrassing thing.

she had him for math class, and she told me that she started up a casual conversation with him about me. she said she asked him what he thought about me. and he supposedly said i was really pretty. and then she asked him if he would ever date me, and he said yes because i looked like a really nice girl to be with.

so the next day in biology, he approached me before we entered the classroom, and i forgot what he said, but he was clearly flirting. and i said something stupid and embarrassing that sounded like i was shooting him down.

i basically wounded his ego and ruined the moment.

and then, he was kinda awkward around me for the next week.

so during the weekend, he texted me. he got my number from my friend. and he said he was gonna throw a party and if i wanted to come over.

i told him, "i can't. my parents won't let me."

and i wasn't lying. it was one of those parties where people were gonna drink ang get high. ricardo was one of the popular kids, he had to organize the type of party my classmates were used to.

but again, he took it as me turning him down for a second time.

so i think his ego was mortally wounded when it came to me and him; that was that.

he stopped talking to me for good after that, probably because it sounded like i wasn't interested. but i was. i was just really stupid about it.

and he was still in my group in biology, so we still had to participate in the experiements together. it was so awkward. the only thing that kept me sane from the wall of ice he was putting up was the fact that one of the other two group members was a good friend of one of my cousins, so he started talking to me after he noticed the awk between ricardo and i.

and ricardo would talk to the other guy in our group.

at the end of the year, he eased up a bit. but he had a girlfriend then.

by that time, i was into the brother of one of my friends. so ricardo and i ended up being chill with each other.

in one instance, i took my sister's really advanced scientific calculator and ricardo wanted to see it. so he and the other boys passed it around, playing on it cause it had games.

and ricardo joked that my calculator had a texting app.

and the teacher overheard and confiscated it.

we laughed so hard at that.

but yeah, i was grateful that he was able to get over it and we were able to be friends. 

that was another one of my lame stories.

-clary xx

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