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That Saturday, Fengyi woke up early, unlike usual. On the weekends, she would probably be awake only in the afternoon, then get started on her homework. But today, it was different. She had to go out, and meet Quanzhe again. She would be meeting him to catch up the past year of their lives.

It was after left her the house when she realised she was running late. "Oh shit," she exclaimed, starting to pick up her pace and rushed to the cafe. Upon her arrival, Fengyi had noticed that Quanzhe was already there. He sat in the corner booth, playing on his phone. She calmed herself down, took a few deep breaths, and approached the table. "Hey, sorry that I'm late."

Quanzhe looked up from his phone, and gave her a smile. He gestured her to take a seat, and then he replied, "no, it's fine. I just got here too." He reached out for the menu, opened it and passed it to Fengyi. "I have already gone ahead and ordered, you can order yours straightaway."

Fengyi thanked Quanzhe as she took the menu from him, she quickly made her pick and ordered. Putting away the menu, she started the conversation, "so what you do after moving?"

As Quanzhe started talking about what he did and what happened after he moved, Fengyi looked at him. She notices his little cute smile that he makes when he was talking about things that he was happy or excited about, she noticed his little hand movements that he always does when speaking or explaining, she notices so many little things. She remembers his explanation, and looking at him now, it was indeed unlike him to do such things. It was also his personality, he's naturally shy, so of course he wouldn't know how or didn't dare to tell her about it.

"Okay, start."

"So first of all, Fengyi, I'm sorry. I don't think there should be any other way of escaping from this, and I also need to apologise. Back then, I didn't know how to tell you about that one time. You saw us kissing once, but trust me, she came onto me. I didn't do anything. I avoided eye contact often after that because I didn't know how to approach you, or to tell you about it. I felt really horrible, really guilty, felt disappointed with myself because I just couldn't seem to bring up the courage to tell you. I lied to you and always going home early was because I needed to pack and get ready for the move..."

"Woah, breathe Quanzhe, breathe. I'm listening, and I have time, you don't have rush."

"I also didn't know how to tell you about the move, I... I didn't know how you would react, I wasn't expecting the move either. So because of my lack of courage, I ended upnot telling you at all, I ended up not being able to explain to you about that. If you are unable to forgive me still, I can understand. It was my fault after all, and I know because of that, the boys are a little wary of me because they don't want you to be hurt again. However, if you are willing, we can build up our friendship again. I don't mind how long it might take, but I promise, this time I won't make the same mistake again."

Fengyi widened her eyes, she had realised that she still had feelings for Quanzhe.

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helloooooooo this is the end!!!! next part is a question collection for the q&a, please feel free to drop whatever questions you have. or even drop me dislike for this stupid cliffhanger oWo but i have plans for a prequel and if there is a demand, a sequel might happen? huhu i dont know, school is starting next week :(
well, I thank all of you for the support and see you all again soon!

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