
355 22 2

24 July 2017

li quanzhe
the town has really changed a lot in just a year.
the streets, the atmosphere, the people
it feels more welcoming, it became more beautiful.

li quanzhe
the people are more lively, the town has become more colourful
there is an amusement park now
the nearby parks have more flowers, and oh,
a fountain was built in it.

li quanzhe
there are more schools now, more malls
really feels like i've been gone for years,
even though it actually has only been one
now that the town has changed so much,
i feel like we should meet and talk
so we can officially move on and forget.

li quanzhe
i probably sound really annoying
since i keep asking you to meet with me
but i really hope you can

li quanzhe
so that we can both move on with our lives

li quanzhe has gone offline.
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