A trip to remeber

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"I'm so exided for this trip!" Hanna squeales, stepping into the cab. Emily, Aria, and Spencer soon fill up the empty seats beside her.
"Too bad the guys and Ali couldn't come." Em says disappointedly.
"Oh please, they'll be fine." Aria assures her. The cab curves down the streat of Rosewood, tires squeaking against the road. Moments later, the cab pulls out to the Harrisburg International Ariport. Spencer is the first to jump out of her seat, trampling her friends to get to her carry on.
"Hey Ar, can you get thouse two suitcases out for me?" Hanna asks while yanking out her 3rd and 4th out of the trunk.
"You brought four suitcases!?" Emily laughs, raising an eyebrow. Hanna gives her the "do you know me?" type of look. The rest of her friends follow her to the door of one of the airport.

Hanna POV:

My friends and I headed to our gate. Aria had a small heart attack because gate B26 was right beside it. Spencer tried educating us on the history of Seattle but it all seemed boring. To be honest the only reason I agreed on Seattle was for the great instagram pics.

Emily POV:

To avoid Spencer's rambling, I went to the farthest McDonald's in the airport. As I was walking, I keep feeling like someone was watching me. I shrugged it off - assuming it was my guilt of leaving Ali with the twins. Alison was not going to leave them to go anywhere exept Paris. But no, we just had to go to Washington. Ugh, so much rain.

Aria POV:

I'm totally stoked for this modern artsy getaway! Listing to Spence talk about it was kinda boring but entertaining at the same time. As soon as we borded the plain, Emily sat down and went to sleep. Was she on drugs again? No, probley not. Wait. No I don't think so. Wait... I'll check her carry on.

Spencer POV:

I don't know what the girls are complaining about, the northwest seems fun! Maybe I can take them to a near by stables. I picked a brochure a while back on Thailand, when I thought we were going.. but Hanna didn't want to go to another continent. God I can't wait for her pregnancy thing to be over.


Aria won't put her camera down as she takes pictures of the clouds, Hanna's trying to find an app that works with airplane mode, Emily's out cold, but Spencer keeps looking over her shoulder. She feels a tingling feeling go down her spine. The same feeling you get when A is watching your every move. She spots a security camera and shrugs, returning to her acrtical. The words on the page seem to slide off as Spencer closes her eyes and sleeps.

Hanna POV:

"Aria!" I snap. Aria turns around and blasts me in the face with the light of her camera.
"Hello? Can't you see I'm busy right now?" She turns around to the window again. The picture soon prints out of the camera, Aria uses it was a coaster before continuing. I look over at Spencer and Emily, who are a row across from Aria and I. Ugh their sleeping, I hate planes. Their so boring. I look back at Aria. Clouds aren't even that photogenic, she should be taking pictures of me. I slide her glass of the photo she took. Ew she totally got the wrong angle. As it becomes clearer to my vision, there's someone standing behind Spencer. I start panicking uncontrollably, should I tell someone? Not with A listening.. I'll just keep this to myself before we land.

Aria POV:

I feel bad for yelling at Hanna, but when I looked over to the seat next to me, she was gone. She had left her phone, that was beside the picture I took of her. I thought for a while. Then it hit me. She was probley in the restrooms, yah know with the baby and all. I get up out of my seat to check up on her, then I stub my foot on someone's shoe.
"Sorry." I apologize to the black hoodie. It pulls its foot closer to the other. My heart skipped a beat - ok maybe two. But A was gone, and we had nothing to worry about, so I proceed to find Hanna. I knock on the door in the back of the plane.
"Han? You ok?" I ask. I hear her throw up again.
"I'm ok.. just a little sick." She manages before hurling again. My heart goes out to her, we should have never went on a trip when we knew she was carrying. Soon she comes out, fixes her perfect hair and gives a slight smile. But I know it's fake.

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