Chapter 1

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After Poly's father died, she became miserable. She keeps on crying. One day she dreamed about the death of her dad. She saw who killed her dad and it was Thanos. She keeps on telling her mom that she always dreamed about her Daddy and Thanos killed her Dad.

Poly Stark: Mom,I miss Daddy so bad.
Pepper Potts: Oh I Miss Him Too and Poly, I want to tell you something.
Poly Stark: What is it?
Pepper Potts :You'll continue your studies at Shield University Academy.
Poly Stark: What? So I'm like in the Superheroes Squad now...
Pepper Potts: Yes
Poly Stark: Yeah I like it. I really really like it but mom,are you serious?
Pepper Potts: Yes,of course Poly!
Poly Stark: Yes!just like I imagined.

***In the house of Captain America***

While Stevie is in the couch watching television, his dad gave him something.

Steve Rogers: Hey son I wanna give you something.
Stevie Rogers: What is it Dad?
Steve Rogers: Here,Read it.

  You are one of the lucky students who chose to go to Shield University Academy to continue your studies and to commit the promise that you will be a great student of the year.
           Sign by: Nick Furry.               Sign by: Phil Coulson
            The Founder.                                 The Principal
      Of Shield Academy

Stevie Rogers: Wait Dad!Are you serious?
Steve Rogers: Yes! and oh I brought a twin dog. Please take care of it. Choose one only because the other one is for Poly. And by the way Stevie, pack your things and don't forget that you will sleep with Poly Stark tonight.

Stevie Rogers: Wait Dad, who is Poly Stark? I'll sleep with someone I don't even know? What the hell are you saying Dad?Steve Rogers: Hey Son, just relax okay

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Stevie Rogers: Wait Dad, who is Poly Stark? I'll sleep with someone I don't even know? What the hell are you saying Dad?
Steve Rogers: Hey Son, just relax okay. Don't worry you'll get to know her later.

At the Bus,the students are excited to go to there new school in Shield University Academy.

Poly Stark: May I Sit Here?
Stevie Rogers: Sure
Poly Stark: Wait are you Stevie Rogers?
Stevie Rogers: Yes! But how do you know my name?
Poly Stark: My Dad showed me pictures of yours. He also told me something about you.
Stevie Rogers: Hmm okay...but who is your father anyway?
Poly Stark: Tony Stark.
Stevie Rogers: Oh yes! Tony Stark! He's the friend of my father. You really looks like him. My father always talk about you and he also brought you this.
Poly Stark: Woah!a puppy?how cute! thank you and what was your saying again?
Stevie Rogers: Oh so my Dad always talks about you and your dad is a famous mechanic or something, right?
Poly Stark: Yeah how did you know about that?
Stevie Rogers: As what as I have said earlier, our father used to hang out before. You know Poly,I Think You're Cute!
Poly Stark: Oh thank you for the compliment Stevie. You're cute too.
Conductor of the Bus: Ok,so welcome to Shield University Academy or S.U.A. Stairs down everyone,we're here!

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