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The Roman woke up first looking around her notice the rest of the boys where chain to the Wall and there wings had chains around them.Next he notice it was damp and cold.He hears Logan groan"Logan?"He said
Logan looked around and started at him"Roman where are we."He ask
"I ain't sure but it somewhere cold and damp."Roman said.Next Patton woke up"Hmmm.where are we.."He said and tug at the chains"Patton Dear we ain't sure it some type of cell."Logan said "Okay.."Patton said
Last Virgil woke up and freak out"Virgil,Honey please calm down."Roma said "Okay..Okay."Virgil said and breath in and out"Why Hello freaks."a new voice said.The boys all jump as a man walks in "Who are you."Logan ask Calmly "And what do you want!"Roman yelled "My name is Dr.D and I want to cure you."He said smiling "C-cure us?"Patton said "Why yes.Your powers and wings..Freaks."He said "How dare you!We are beautiful!"Roman said and the Doctor slap him"Quiet freak." He hissed "Leave him alone."Patton said "Oh want be brave huh?Excellent you'll be first Boys!"He hiss and two men came in and drag Patton off
"Nooo!"Virgil yelled "PATTON!"Roman shriek "PAT!"Logan cried out and the Cell door close and there chains pop off.Logan ran at the door and banged  on it. Roman went to Virgil and kiss him "It okay love."Roman said.Virgil curled into him.Logan sat down"Pat.."He saids.
Meanwhile with Dr.D
Patton struggle against the straps."Hmm don't worry it be fast."*Use your mind and make up what happens*
Patton cried out in pain and he was shoved into the cell"Patton!"Logan called out.Blood and Bruise are all over him"My love what did he do.."Logan ask holding Patton close
"I-I don't wanna speak of it.."Patton said Snuggle close to Logan and falling asleep."My God.."Virgil said"We need to escape...Now.."He saids"Agreed.."Roman said
(BOOOOMMM TA DA AND.MORE SHIT! later my Peeps and Geeks!)

Sander Sides Wings AuWhere stories live. Discover now