"I'm fine" Julia snapped back.

"So I guess this means the wedding's canceled huh?" Julia shot her an annoyed look.


"I'm fine. Hey do you know what color her eyes were when you arrested her?"

"Um...ok...weird question...I think green, but like a light green. Um...You know what they're kind of the color of the stone um...urgh what's it called. Ah! Jade the stone they were that color. Why?"

"Because they are red now..." When Julia walked back in she was still spitting blood everywhere and spreading it everywhere. Jade stopped for a second to bang her head with her hands. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" She was silent for a moment. "Ooo I like that idea."

"What idea?" Paige asked trying to rub some of the blood off her face. Julia felt bad for her.

"The one Hope told me. She's standing right there." Jade sat down on the table - the side closest to the mirror - and waved. "Say Hello."

"Hello?" Paige said turning her face in the general direction of the mirror.

"Say it like you mean it! She knows when you're lying." Jade turned pointed to where "Hope" was standing.  She did a sharp turn back towards Paige who had a confused look on her face. "Don't pretend like you can't see her! She likes you! But, she doesn't like Julia. Julia has been watching this entire time and hasn't introduced herself. That makes Hope very angry." Director Brinkman, almost filled with anger turned towards Julia.

"I. Thought. I. Told. YOU! To. Stay. Away. From. Her." She said through gritted teeth.

"I did." Julia said desperately trying to redeem herself. Although she didn't know why considering that she did nothing. "I swear I did!" Jade looked away from "Hope".

"Director Brinkman." Jade said almost to sane for an insane person. "I must tell you to hold back your criticisms for Agent Copeland. Why?" Jade began to grow a southern accent. "She never did make any contact with me. Why? Why would she make any contact with lil' ol' me?" Julia noticed that Director Brinkman's finger was rested on the intercom on button, and Julia slowly pulled her finger off. Once realizing what Julia had done, she put her finger back on and asked.

"How do you know our names?"

"You all wear name tags. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me." Jade mumbled. Returning to a normal voice she said "And your co-workers talk. A lot. I was outside of this bright room for a while. Seriously though could we dim the lights or something." Jade turned toward Paige, who was still wiping blood off of her face. "How do you sit in this room comfortably?"

"I have blood in my eyes to block most of the light." Paige said incredibly annoyed.  Jade cackled. A really loud cackle.

"You're funny." Jade replied, she swiftly turned back towards the mirror. "Sorry to hear about your fiance. Such a shame. Did you like my moonstone? Took me weeks to find that little sucker. Once I did, however, I thought it was so pretty just like the one in your ring. After weeks of looking it took months of polishing. Then your fiance showed up. Very handsome might I add, and I finally could put a good moonstone to use." At this point Jade was rambling and everyone grew tired of it. "I'm tired." Jade said, spinning on her heels to the therapist. "Get out." Paige glared she was pissed by now.

    "You can't kick me out." Paige said standing her ground.  Jade's eyes got redder. It was surprising because nobody thought they could get any more red, and even less thought they dimmed. "I've claimed this. There is not one drop of your blood on the walls. THIS AREA IS MINE!" Jade screamed, throwing a chair next to Paige's head, and hitting the door. Paige got up without a word and left. Jade then proceeded to curl up in a ball on the table and fall asleep.

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