Chapter 1

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 Jade sat tied to a chair, her clothes were covered in blood, her wrists were covered in rope burns, and her face was covered in scars. The room was dark, and for some reason she couldn't lift her head. Her muscles had given up on her. A lone light hung above her so dim that even if she could lift her head she wouldn't be able to see far. A door opened to the side of her and a blinding light shone it. "FBI! We're here to help!" Jade had decided to stop trying to lift her head. If they were here to help they would help. She blacked out. Jade was outside she looked up to see the man she had been searching for. His hands were covered in fresh blood. He lifted his head to witness Jade. "Exactly the man I was looking for."

"Jade fucking West."

"You need to give up Flynn."

"Now. Why would I do that?"

"Because eventually we are going to get you."

"Good luck."  He he hit her over the head knocking Jade unconscious, untying her wrists. "'Till we meet again." He kissed her cheek and walked out of the building.

Once she woke up,  she took the nearest car and drove into the city. She found the nearest government building and went into the bathroom. A senator walked in and Jade knocked her out, switched clothes, and cleaned her hands. As she walked through the city her hands were clean but nothing could be done about her face, not yet anyway. She knew who had given her every scar. In order to get into the FBI building she bought a bag of dirt and an amethyst. She went to the nearest park poured dirt on the grass to look like a newly dug grave. Nobody would have seen the senator by now they'll be looking for a killer. A serial killer. Jade had to pose as Flynn "The Stone Killer". He was given this title because every person he murdered has some kind of stone on their grave.  She placed an amethyst down on the grave. "FBI. Hands up!" She turned around with her hands up. "Help me please. Help me!" She screamed. The FBI did not know that the "grave," she placed an amethyst on was empty. She was crying while they handcuffed her and moved her to a van. They drove her to the H.Q. and walked her through the room with all the agents who were applauding the people who had arrested her. Until Julia Copeland walked in. Julia Copeland was however extremely happy when they had brought in "the girl who had killed her fiance", they were both agents and had fallen in love that way. The co-workers around them had started to talk. Until Director Brinkman came back and pulled Julia into her office. Jade was lead into the interrogation room. "Paige would you mind talking to her?" Paige was a therapist for the FBI and under Brinkman's orders followed Jade. "Julia you are not going to be lead agent on this case."

"What? Why?"

"You're too close. You're going to be biased and that is not our job."

"I'm too close!?" Julia was appalled. "If anything being too close would give me more motivation to find out the truth!"

"COPELAND! Trust me on this one. If you don't want just any agent on this case-"

"I don't."

"-then I will be the lead agent. Okay?"

"Fine." As Director Brinkman started to stand up Julia stopped her with a question. "Can I watch the interrogation?" Director Brinkman hesitated then sighed.

"Sure," and they began to walk. Once they got into the watch room they were both stopped dead in their tracks. She had bright red eyes, and was biting her arms and rubbing the blood on the walls. They both slowly proceeded into the room. "What is she doing?" Director Brinkman asked.

"We honestly have no idea she immediately started doing that once we put her in the room."

Another 30 minutes went by until she started doing something different. Julia left then, when she started spitting blood on the mirror. Special agent Laurel Cheney saw Julia exiting the room. "Hey! Julia! You okay? I heard about-"

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