Catching up with Family

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"Harry, your muggle side is showing." Fred and George smirked.

"No offense, but honestly I don't care." Harry said shifting his gaze to his spread feet.

"Harry, we knew that you are my brother all along." Dominique spoke up.

Harry tensed, and turned his head toward her. "Then why say now?" Harry asked after few seconds.

"Because I think that it's time you knew that we actually care for you. If not Dumbledore, we would have been even leaving together and you would have been in Slytherin." Dominique said in a matter of fact tone. She looked at him for a few second. He did obviously not believe her. "Harry, let me explain, please. We know the truth. It's not like what you think; you actually have a lot of people whom you can trust. You just have to look in the right place. Right from your birth, Dumbledore kept placing you in the wrong places. First, he put you with those muggles when you could have easily been put with us with even higher level of protection. He knew that my mother was Lily's blood sister. Second, he made you think that the Slytherins are the evils, so that you willingly go in Gryffindor. Third, he compelled you to trust the wrong people. Harry, before we didn't have a choice but to be a jerk to you. We did that just to see if you are fine. We would confirm that you are fine, if you just reacted the same way as Draco when he taunted. And when you didn't react the same way, we instantly understood that you are not fine. That was the only way we could talk to you." Dominique finished with sad eyes. But fortunately, Harry was smiling a bit. So she immediately smiled back.

"What an amazing way to confirm that I'm fine. Couldn't you find any other way?" Harry said shaking his head and smiling. Everybody immediately laughed, happy that Harry was at least reacting positively.

"Not at least with those traitors lurking around you all the time." Nick said laughing.

For the first time Fred and George didn't react at the insult 'traitor', they knew that they were truly traitors; rather blood traitors for an entirely different reason.

"Harry there's more to the story than you can even assume. He's not only played with yours, but with many other lives and relations. The main cause that today Snape behaves with you so nastily is none other than Dumbledore. During the time when Snape was a student in Hogwarts, Lily, my mother and him became good friends even before the sorting. Even when my mom and Severus became Slytherins, Lily didn't break their friendship. When, one day Snape, irritated from your father's bullying called her mud-blood; she obviously got angry but never broke her friendship. Then after that, my mother convinced him to apologise to your mother. That was a good day actually; when Snape had apologised, Lily brought all four of the Marauders to apologise to him too. After that all of them became very good friends. But obviously, that old fart had to interfere. Fearing that it will affect the house rivalry, he erased all the memories of their friendship, and made Lily believe that she had broken her friendship with Snape after the 'mud-blood' incident." Nick finished taking a deep breath and scowling.

"That old bastard loves to put compulsions and blocks on people. He had me on a fifty percent block on my magic along with compulsions towards Ron, Hermione, Molly, Percy, and Dumbleduck himself. Just what does- "Harry was interrupted by a screeching Pansy.

"Fifty percent block on your magic?! How were you not a squib? Or you should have been somewhat close to Longbottom!"

Harry just turned to Pansy with two raised eyebrows. "I think it would do if you had a check on Neville's wand. I don't think you'll stand a chance in front of him if he had his own wand; instead of his father's. And talking about me; it's a pity you have forgotten that it was me who survived the most dangerous dragon with only fifty percent of my power in the tournament; not you. And I hope you didn't forget that Voldemort is still after me and decides to meet me every year at the end of the term." Harry said smugly. Pansy obviously didn't reply. She just turned and started fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

"And dear brother of mine, here comes the most interesting part of the story. I hope you didn't forget that Dumbledore was the Transfiguration Professor in Hogwarts during Tom's time. So...I think you can quite easily get the fishy smell coming from the name itself." Nick explained.

Harry just stared at her for a second before his eyes went wide like saucepan. He immediately got up from there and started walking away. But before he could get too far, he turned towards them and just said one sentence, "I trust you, Dominique." And then he disappeared into the castle within few seconds.

When Nick turned to the leftover group, she was met with two confused faces of Fred and George.

"What, the beetle's not through the hole yet?" she asked them making a face. They just shook their head. "Would you please do the honour, Blaise; while I try to go and find Harry?" she asked turning to Blaise.

Blaise just sighed and started explaining the whole thing to the twin. Dominique and Draco stood up as well before walking away towards the castle.

As they entered the castle, Dominique and Draco separated up to find him. Dominique searched for him in two of the towers and the other one. While Dominique was going towards the Astronomy Tower, she bumped into the most unwanted person in her life; Ronald Weasley.

Dominique just went on to pass him with a sneer but suddenly Ron held her hand. As she turned, she saw a disgusting smirk on his face. As she raised one eyebrow in question, he spoke up.

"What are you doing here in the Astronomy Tower? You should be in the Dungeons, right?" Ron asked the smirk still plastered on his face.

"What is it to you where I go? It's not like there's a rule that Slytherins cannot come to the towers." Dominique said jerking her hand out his grip.

"No, just asking, that's all." Ron said, his eyes roaming her body. Dominique instantly cringed and crossed her arms across her chest, to save some of her dignity. As she did that, Ron's eyes snapped up to her green ones. She was just staring at her in such a dark way, that anyone would mistake her to be actually a Death Eater, it's not like students other than the Slytherins didn't think like that. Then out of nowhere, Hermione came.

"Ron, what are you—what you doing with my boyfriend?" Hermione screamed.

What a banshee. "Oh nothing, your boyfriend was just checking me out." Dominique stated in a calm voice.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at Ron, but then immediately turned to Dominique. "Whatever are you doing here, anyway?" Hermione asked with same narrowed eyes.

"Well, I just answered the same question to him, so please..." Dominique jerked a hand towards Ron.

"Whatever!" Hermione said before pinning her hand through Ron's arm and dragging him away.

"What were you doing, checking her out like that?" she heard Hermione ask Ron.

"What, she's hot. And don't talk as if you don't check out Malfoy whenever he passes you."

"What, he's hot too. And that day I caught you shagging Lavender."

"And yesterday night I caught you shagging Cormac."

Dominique just stared at their retrieving backs, before blinking few times and walking away shaking her head in disbelief.  

When the Two Ends Meet// TomarryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora