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Bendy's Pov

I was still searching for Cups, then I finally saw him. I ran towards him and then I saw what was going on. He was having a fight with Oswald. Oh no. All I could see were random punching and a little bit of blood every now and then.
Cuphead:You can't tell what to do!
Oswald:Yes I can! And you will accept it.
Kids were starting to getter around and watched this little fight. Poor Cuppy.
Bendy:Leave him alone, Big ears!
I scream without noticing.
Oswald:Well, well. The little shortie wants to join. I can take both of you down with my eyes closed.
Bendy:Yeah, well- Wait. What's that?!
Oswald:What's what?
Bendy:Cuphead run!
We ran away trying to escape from Oswald. Apparently, when we ran passed a bomb headed guy, he grabbed Cuphead.
Cuphead:Bendy! Help!
Aah! Someone dragged me away... Oswald. He punched me a few times, but everything was going to be good because... a teacher!
Teacher:Oswald, Bomb, Cuphead. In my office. Now!
Oswald :What about the midget.
Teacher:You too, Bendy.
Bendy:But I didn't do anything.
Teacher:I know. But you've been hurt.

In the teacher's office.

Everything was so quiet. Until the teacher spoke.
Cuphead:Oswald want me to join his bully team again, but I don't.
Oswald:So Cuphead began to kick me.
Cuphead:Right after he punched me. And then he punched Bendy too.
Oswald:No one says anything about Bomb?
Bomb:Hey! You are the one who did the most.
Teacher:Quiet! I have decided. Bendy, you are ok. You three are expelled from school.
Bendy:Miss, please let Cuphead stay. It's not his fault.
Teacher:I understand you care for your friend, but he's part of the problem too.
Cuphead:But Oswald started.
Oswald:And Cuphead continued.
Bomb:And I didn't do anything.
Cuphead and Oswald:Shut up!!
Teacher:Guys. Go pack your books and leave the school.

That's it... I lost him. I just... I'm all alone again. I can't stay by myself. I can't stay without Cups. After the boys left so they can pack I was waiting in front of the teacher.
Teacher:Bendy. You can go now.
Bendy:No. Miss, please. You can't expel Cuphead. He's the only person who I get along with. Let Bomb and Oswald go, but please keep Cups.
Teacher:Fine. As long as no one will fight in the hallways.
Bendy:Thanks, thanks, thanks!
I jumped and hugged her then ran and left.
Cuphead:What is it?
Bendy:I talked with the teacher and she said you can stay.
Cuphead:What? Really?!
Cuphead:Thanks, Bendy.

But of course Oswald was not my only bully. So it wasn't that easy from now. It was time to leave school anyways, so Cups and I went downstairs to go wait for our bros.
Bendy:Hey, Cups. Do you and Mugs wanna come sleepover, since it's friday?
Cuphead:Sure. Let's just wait for Mugs so we can ask him.
Mugs:Ask me what?
Cuphead:Mugs. Hey.
Boris:Hey Bendy, hey Cuphead.
Bendy:Hey. So guys. Cups and I were wondering if you, Mugs and Cups, want to sleep over.
Mugs and Boris:Yes!
Cuphead:Good. Then we should leave together.
We got on the bus and headed home. Mugs staying next to Boris and right behind them, Cuphead and I. This is going to be great.

A BendyStraw story [Completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя