Teen Titan Funny Quotes

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Raven Qoutes are first!!! So for all of you people who love Raven this is the page for you!! Enjoy reading :)


Raven: [during a battle in the tower, she sees a bunch of robots come out of a room] That's my room! NOBODY GOES IN MY ROOM! 

Raven: [to BeastBoy] I respect that you don't eat meat... please respect that I don't eat fake meat. 

Raven: I always thought you were funny, BB. But I guess looks aren't everything.

Beast Boy: See? SHE thinks I'm funny. 

Raven: Statistically, someone has to. 

Raven: Beast Boy had a brain?

Cyborg: [infected with a computer virus] I know what we should do! Let's go get some waffles! Raven you like waffles, don't you? 

Raven: [deadpan] More than life itself. 

[repeated line

Raven: Azarath... Metrion... ZINTHOS. 

Control Freak: I am the masterof monsters. I am your worst nightmares come to life. I am... Control Freak! 

[Makes aplause sound with remote control and tvs

Raven: A couch-potato with a souped-up remote. I'm petrified. 

Control Freak: You will be. You will be. 

Raven: I am afraid. But that dosen't mean I can't fight back. 

Raven: Don't make me send you to another dimension. 

Robin: You can't hold us here forever! 

Spike: Now, don't be a sore loser. Atlas is just better than you, better than all of us! 

Starfire: Your Atlas is nothing but a Zolworg Tubeck Plixing Zarbmarker! 

Beast Boy: Yeah! What she said! 

Spike: You watch your tone! Atlas is the greatest. He deserves your respect. 

Raven: Sooo, do we get bathroom breaks? 

Raven: Please tell me this isn't another ridiculous prank. 

Raven: Um... I know this isn't my style, but we just kicked Slade's butt. Shouldn't we... celebrate or something? 

[Beast-Boy and Cyborg stare

Beast Boy: Yeah! 

Cyborg: All-you-can-eat... 

Beast Boy: Free form... 

Beast Boy, Cyborg: Breakfast explosion! 

Raven: Sorry I asked.  

[Raven wakes up from a nightmare in her goth-style room

Raven: Maybe I should consider redecorating. 

Raven: The book of Azar is not a toy! 

Beast Boy: [to the green Raven] What is with you? First you nuke breakfast, then you laugh at my jokes, then you're all weepy, now you're a Marine? Make up your mind! 

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