Around The World

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Melbourne, 2000

Foo Fighters did have our own fan base, but man the Chilis sure take it a step further. They're like crazy fan everywhere. Everything about this band can drive the fans insane. I just witnessed one, soon as they arrived. When Anthony and Flea shared a hug, they were screaming like a maniac. John is ike this magnifying force that really calm but definitely can rocked you any time. And Chad, man we get along easily.

Personally, I knew thee guys since early 90's. Nirvana was once their opening act too. It was crazy how this band is still going strong. Even after changes and shit, nothing can stop them, literally. So when we got the chance to be on tour with them again, I'm glad. Aubrey is a little timid around new people. But turned out she can literally talk with John for hours. And Chad can't stop praising Taylor on how he can get someone like Aubrey.

"Hey Aubrey!"
"Yes?" Chad just walked passed her and stop himself. "I still don't get why you go out with that blonde boy." Then Anthony laughs out of his words. "Hey Chad! There are two of us, we're both blonde boy."
"Sorry Anthony. You know I'm talking about Taylor. Look at him. Pffftt this boy."
"Oh sorry Chad, I disappointed you by having a perfect girlfriend."
"Whoaaa, look at her Taylor! She's blushing. Now I know how you got her. You were using one of your magical line, weren't you?"
"Sure did." Chad laughs uncontrollably and yes her face is getting red. Now she laughs along with us. "Oh, and talking about getting a girl. You need one, Dave! Seems like you're not getting laid for ... How long?" Damn Chad must be really happy to mock me. You know, something that your brother usually do to you.

"Naaah. I'm good. I'll get one if I find one." Roll my eyes to him, and he linger his arm on my shoulder. "Don't worry brother. You're cuter than Taylor. You'll get one." Well, I hope the 'one' is Aubrey, but it will never happen. "We'll see, Chad. We'll see."

Before we do soundcheck for tonight's show, I find myself walking alone around the arena. From one corridor to another. Chili Peppers are inside their room, getting their mood or something. First thing that I find on my 'arena-trip' is Aubrey sitting alone with a journal on hand. She writes something. Maybe having a talk with her can kill the time.

"Writing poems?" I take a seat beside her and try to steal a peak to what she wrote. And her response is quick as she close it immediately. "Nope. It's umm...diary..or... journal. Whatsoever."
"Oh. Okay. Sorry. I didn't mean to read your secret."
"That's fine. I'm just letting the unspoken out." When she talk to me, I see a necklace linger on her neck. Seems like it's new, because I never see that before. "From Taylor?" I pointed that out. "Uh, this? Yes. He just gave me before he go with Nate."
"With Nate? I just met him on my way here." I remember seeing Nate alone and didn't even see Taylor around him. "Nevermind." Maybe I shouldn't say that, maybe Taylor just go somewhere. "He gave you that? Did he proposed you?" Fuck, what the fuck am I thinking? Why I even ask that?

A little laugh is coming from her mouth. "No. He didn't. It's my birthday and I kinda surprised that he actually know that. I mean, I never told him about my birthday."
"Maybe he took your wallet and look at your ID or something." I respond, laughing. Taylor once did that to Nate and almost pissed him off. "You're referring to Nate, aren't you?" Not only me. She also laugh to that one. "You know that?"
"Of course. Taylor told me about it. He even asked me if Nate probably hate him."
"And what did you say?"
"I told him that maybe Nate just think that he's retarded."
"Hahaha, oh my. I can imagine that. Poor Taylor."

The necklace is truly beautiful. It's a simple chain with a rounded pendant. I slightly see the letter A on one side and T on the other side. At that moment, she notice that I stare into the pendant. "It's just Taylor's and my initial on it. I love how simple it is."
"Yeah, I see that too." The fact that she is happy about her present, makes me happy too. Taylor did great and I can't compete him in any way. "Dave."
"Yes Aubrey?"
"About what Chad said earlier, I think if you find someone, one day... You can give her a simple present too. I mean, if she's truly love you, she will appreciate it no matter what."
"Well, haha. I'll try that. Thanks."

L.A, 2008

I got the box from my mom last night. I didn't even open in at home and I think I shouldn't. Especially around Jordyn. I mean, for me to even re-visit Aubrey is bad enough and I don't want Jordyn to know. Taylor also doesn't tell his wife. This might be the last time, a closure for three of us. And we promised ourselves that we'll moving on after that.

I don't know about Taylor, but I don't have much sleep last night. I was thinking about what should I say to her. We didn't have proper goodbye at that time. But I'm glad me and Taylor don't have a bad blood. We know how much she wants us to keep the peace. We never know the real reason she left Taylor. But according to Taylor, he believes it wasn't because of me. Even though somehow I always think it has something to do with me. I remember the fight I had with Taylor back then, almost make her leaving us. Simply because she didn't wanna ruin our friendship. But if Taylor himself believes it wasn't about me, I'll try to believe it.

GeneratorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora