4.1 | s e v e n .

Start from the beginning

"But who are you really?"

Makayla's voice cracked halfway through her statement as she drew nearer to her brother, but the man stared upon her unwaveringly.

His eyes glittered slightly.

"I'm Castiel."


A name to a face.  A face to a name.

If Makayla weren't so goddamned confused, she might've actually smiled.

"Yeah, we figured that much... but what are you?"

Dean's tone was biting, harsh, but the sister couldn't blame him.  In fact, his reaction was much more plausible than hers.  This man had been completely unaffected by every single one of their weapons and had put Bobby, the best hunter in the world, to sleep with a single touch of his fingers.

And yet, Makayla remained stouthearted.

"I'm an Angel of the Lord."

The words reverberated throughout the building as his voice echoed off of the steel walls, and Makayla could feel the blood drain from her face as she froze in utter disbelief.

"Get the hell out of here,"

Dean snarled, his face stern and unmoving.

"There's no such thing."

The twins spoke in unison- the girl's voice was a timid statement of disbelief and his was a threatening growl.

Castiel remained unwavering, his posture utterly and slightly offputting-ly perfect.

"This is the Winchester problem.  You have no faith."

Another blast of light caused Makayla to squint, but her eyes quickly opened impossibly wide at the sight before her.

Across the self-declared angel's back were the shadows of enormous wings, stretching across nearly the length of the entire building. The shadows appeared to spread farther, farther, looming up and over the Winchester's heads, and Makayla felt herself lose her footing as she stumbled backward slightly, her green orbs glued to the shadowy appendages before her.

As soon as it started, the white beacon faded away, along with the reflection of the mysterious feathers sprouting from Castiel's back.

Makayla was a mixture of awestruck and terrified.

Dean was able to regain his bearings before his sister.

"Yeah, well, some angel you are.  You burned out that poor woman's eyes."


The mention of the psychic brought Makayla back to reality and her eyes snapped back to Castiel, a minute amount of anger surfacing in her mind.

The angel seemed to sense this.  His brows furrowed worriedly and his gaze shot to the sister, but he cocked his head as if completely apathetic.

"I warned her not to spy on my true form.  It can be...  overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice.  But I suppose the both of you already knew that."

Makayla did not understand, but Dean did.

"At the gas station.  And Pamela's house, and the hotel... that was you talking?"

Castiel nodded in acknowledgment, and the girl's lips parted as if she meant to speak but could not make a sound.

None of it made sense.  How could she hear him and Dean couldn't?  Why could she read his thoughts and why could he read hers?

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