A simple day

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(Y/n)= Your name

(O/C/n)=Older Cousin's name

(Y/C/n)= Younger Cousin's name

(B/C/n)= Baby Cousin's name

(e/c)= eye colour

(h/l)= hair length

(h/c)= hair colour

(f/c)= favorite colour


Children's laughter and shouts were heard all around. They ran around playing games like tag and patty cake or occupying themselves with the brightly coloured jungle gyms, merry-go-rounds and slides. You sat to the side on one of the swings. Gently swaying back and forth, you watched over the kids as they played. 

This actually became a daily activity for you as of recently. Your aunt and uncle (who you adore) were away on a business trip and instead of allowing them to hire someone who most likely wouldn't do the job properly, you insisted to look after your much younger cousins. 

You were so busy looking over the children and making sure that they were safe that you were surprised when you suddenly felt a tug at your shirt. "(Y/n)?" Looking down you are met with a terrible sight. The younger of your cousins stood there with their small hand gripping your shirt tightly- their eyes glossed over with tears. 

Immediately you pick them up and set them down on your lap. "Oh (Y/C/n), what's the matter?" You wipe the tears away with your hands. "What happened to make you so upset?"

They sniff, "My fwends don't want to pway wif me." 

You smile sadly at them. "Shhh, that's alright. Hey, why don't you stay here with me. We can play a game together. How does that sound?" And like magic, their little eyes start to twinkle.

"Yews pwease." 

You chuckle, "Alright then, what would you like to play?" They think for a bit and then points to the sandbox. "Okay! Let's go!" 

You set them down and the two of you run to the sandbox together, giggling all the way.


"-and then you simply just add them together." The young boy next to you- Matt- does as you instructed him to do. "Good! See, just follow the formula and if necessary, make a few tweaks." 

Matt looks at you with new knowledge, his eyes now reflecting his much better understanding regarding Physics. "Thank you (Y/n)! You should really think about becoming a teacher. You'd be awesome!" You smile, "I'd need money to go to college for that-" 

You are cut off by Matt's ringtone which suddenly starts blaring from within his pocket. The teenage boy looks apologetically at you as he takes it out and answers it. Half a minute later he ends the call and puts his phone away. "Sorry (Y/n). It's my mom... She wants to know when I'm done..."

"You can go if you feel like you understand everything a little better now."

He nods and starts packing his books and stationary into his bag. "I really do. Thank you so much for helping me. I'd be a goner without you!" 

You giggle, "You'll ace that test, I know you will. Tell your mom I said hi, will you?"

The blond-haired kid nods and rushes out the door and to his awaiting mother. "I will! Bye!" 

With a sigh you gather your things and head out as well. You have helped quite a few kids by tutoring them in many of their school subjects for little to no money asked in return- just like you did when you were still going to school yourself (which was not so long ago). 

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