I Never Should Have Left You- Chapter 22: Masterclass Introductions

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I promised a long chapter, and that's what I'm gonna do!


I Never Should Have Left You- Chapter 22: Masterclass Introductions

Ash, Serena, Bonnie and Clemont were all standing in Lumiose City. Serena had received a message that this is where the finals would be.

"This is it."

The youngest member of their group spoke what was on all their minds. Serena nodded, unable to speak. Ash opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a squeal of excitement. The group all turned, to see Shauna, Tierno and Trevor running towards them, the former being the one of squealed. She threw herself at Serena, hugging her tightly. Serena happily returned the hug, but caught Ash's eye.

"They don't know," she mouthed, looking concerned. "Do we tell them?"

Before Ash could process the question, Shauna had released Serena, and was questioning her.

"How come you didn't perform for so long? Where were you?"

Ash stepped in; "Well, you see- "

"I'll tell them."

Ash looked with surprise at Serena, fearing for a moment that she was angry with him for stepping in. Serena saw the confusion, mixed with a tiny bit of hurt on his face, and gave him a warm smile, reassuring Ash that she wasn't angry. Taking a deep breath, she turned back to Shauna. "During my last Masterclass..."

Serena jumped back slightly. Shauna had remained silent until now. Tears were running down the girl's face, and she flung herself at her honey-blonde friend. "Why didn't you tell us before?"
Since Serena couldn't really answer, Ash stepped in. "We didn't want to worry you at the time. We all knew that you must be really busy, and there wasn't much you could have done anyways."

Clemont looked up at the big clock on the side of Prism Tower, and turned back to the group; "I don't mean to rush you, but you two should really go and register. The Masterclass starts in 40 minutes."

Serena nodded, and led Shauna away to the Pokémon Centre, whispering to her reassuringly as she did so. Ash watched her go, a sense of angst creeping into his stomach.

"Wow. Must have been scary for you, huh."

Tierno was looking at Ash, sympathy written all over his face. Trevor was talking with Clemont, Bonnie jumping in every now and then. Ash turned his attention back to his friend, nodding. "Uh huh. Terrifying. I don't want to let her perform today, but this is her dream..."

Tierno looked thoughtful; "You know... She seems... I don't know, different..."

Ash looked skeptical. "Different?"

"It's a good different, don't get me wrong. More... confident. Braver. Like the way she told us herself what had happened, instead of letting you handle it. More fearless, more outgoing. She looks different too. More... passionate and brave."

Ash listened to what Tierno had to say, taking in each word. He wasn't wrong. Serena did seem braver, more confident. Before he could add anything, Serena was calling back to them.

"Look who we found!"

Miette had joined the two girls, laughing happily with them. "Hey everyone."

"Hey, Miette! Long time, no see! How you been?" asked Ash, happy that another one of their friends was here, even if she did get on his nerves sometimes. Bonnie glanced sideways at Serena, and was shocked to see that she looked completely unruffled by Ash's obvious excitement about seeing Miette. Before she could whisper to her older friend though, Serena spoke.

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