Chapter 3: busted

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Quick intro all my loyal readers!

This chapter is written by me, so the romance will calm down quite a bit

Stay awesome, stay a fan


"It's so dark" says fluttershy "why does she have this in her library?"
"I don't know. but it's a bit nerve racking for this to happen right after last night."responds rainbow dash

"Where do you think she is Ta-" she was cut off.
There was a bright room. It looked an awful lot like a hotel room. When they entered, twilight greeted them once again.
"Please lye down on the bed and get comfortable" she talked like a scientist.

Rainbow dash and fluttershy sat down.
"Now, rainbow, if would please put your arm an fluttershy's shoulder"

Rainbow Dash just stared at her, more nervous. Fluttershy kept glancing at them both, afraid of what might happen.

Fluttershy's POV

Why is twilight doing this? And right after last night, Dashie was right. this IS weird. I wonder what she is aiming at

Rainbow Dash's POV

Are you kinding me twilight? why do you want this? And how long have you had this room? And what the hell is that stain on the corner!? it looks like puke... Crap

I put my hoof around fluttershy and got it over with. I feel my wing start to twitch. "fluttershy" I wisper "yes?" "get closer. my wing..." "ok" she scoots over to me more, and covers my right wing from twilight.

Twilights POV

Interesting. I could have sworn I saw rainbows wing... but now she's hiding it. Maybe I'll push them together a bit more, considering research for this is small. "Ok, now. fluttershy. I want you to put YOUR arm over rainbow now." "Ok" she responds "good now lean your head on her shoulder."

Rainbow Dashs POV

Twilight, please stop! I think I'm busted. twilight walks around to the other side of the bed. "Rainbow! Your wings!" she squeaks. NO. This is bad. I shut my eyes tightly. I wonder what fluttershy is thinking.

Fluttershy's POV

Why is this happening to me!! All I did was spend time with Rainbow! I just want to go back and stay in MY bed, with Angel and maybe a snack.

"Now kiss. this is very interesting, so we can't stop yet"

We both shoot up and stare at her, bright red. I'm shaking very badly, and hid behind my mane.

"Go on. We're all friends here"

Why does this have to happen!?

Hope you like so far. And hope you liked this chapter especially because I wrote it
New chapter soon!
Stay awesome, stay a fan.

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