"I was willing to proceed in good faith," The Pilgrim said. "Now you'll watch those closest to you die."

Then she let out a little gasp. She looked down when little Rip pulled his small dagger from her stomach. "Thought you could snuff me out? You don't know me at all, miss."

She let out another gasp. She looked behind her as Derek glared. "Or me."

Derek retreated his claws and grabbed baby Rip before running out of the way. Once she released us, I swiped her chest. Kendra picked me up and flew us out to avoid being blasted. The combine shots on her were powerful enough to disintegrate her. We heard her scream until there was nothing left but a pile of ashes.

I felt myself shift back. I looked around the room until my eye found Derek. His found mine, too. I quickly ran over. Derek opened his arms and held me tight.

"You ok?" I asked

He nodded. "Yeah. The kid stabbed me with something. Felt my legs move a few seconds later."

I pulled away. "I'm just glad you're ok."

"Come on, you know we're hard to kill."

"I know. Peter rammed his hand through your chest."

"And don't forget Jackson slashed your throat."

I nodded before hugging him again. Good times. Good times.


I crossed my arms. "So, that's all you remember?" I asked Derek.

He nodded. "Yeah. I just remember being chained up in Mexico and suddenly I'm here." He got up from my bed. We walked out of my room and towards the main deck. "This is what you and your pack do?"

I shook my head. "We're not a pack. We're a team."

"Right, just like how Scott has his little friends."

"I can't believe Scott's an alpha."

"You've missed so much these past few months."

I stopped in front of him. "Have I really been gone that long?"

"Yeah, but I understand why. These things take time. I haven't even met this Savage guy, but he sounds like a he's a hard to kill."

"Well, he is. Kendra has to be the one to kill him. Which is hard because every time we're close to him, he takes another leap forward."

Derek nodded before we started walking again. "He is immortal. But that doesn't mean he can't be killed. Remember, if you can't beat the odds change the game." Derek furrowed his eyebrows before looking back. I followed his gaze to see him looking at Snart, who was already looking over here. "That's the guy."

"What guy?"

Derek raised his eyebrow at me. "Are we really doing this? I can hear his heartbeat from here. And he's looking at you like if you need saving."

"Snart doesn't care about anything other than money."

"You sure about that?" He questioned. To my surprised, he turned around and made his way towards Snart. What is he doing? I quickly made my way over before Derek could do something.

"If it's the famous Derek Hale," Snart said.

"You know about me?" Derek asked.

Snart smirked. "Claws might have mentioned a thing or two about you."

"Claws?" Derek looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Weird because she never mentioned you."

Snart wrapped his arm around me. "Well, here's the deal, your sister and I are - what the young people call - an item." This surprised me. We never even thought about putting a label into what we are.

"Really? You and my sister are together? Knowing what she is and where she comes from. You're ok with this?"

"If you're talking about her wolfside, I think I can take it." He smirked down at me. "I did prove it the other night."

And I can't be here anymore. I slowly unwrapped my arm and walked away before this conversation got anymore awkward. I looked back to see Derek not showing any emotion. Snart held that smirk on his face while he talked. Oh, please, don't say something...well, Snart-like.

"That's your brother?" Sara asked as I stood next to her.

I nodded. "Yup."

I could see her eyes trailing his body before nodding in approval. "He's hot."

I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "Eww." I looked towards the guys to see them shaking hands. Derek's grip was tight on Snart's. I could tell Snart wanted to wince, but he kept that smirk on his face. "Always the protective brother."

I guess Derek tightened his grip because Snart finally groaned. Derek turned around and walked back towards me. "He's good."


As much as I hate saying goodbye, I had to. What I hate also is that I had to leave Derek back at with Araya Calavera. A few minutes before he got taken from the Pilgrim. I hate doing that, but that's the last place Derek was at. I know he'll be ok. The only thing I laughed about was seeing Peter all chained up.

I walked back towards the main deck. What did Derek and Snart say to each other? What did Snart say that made Derek approve? I knew I should have listened in.

"Then I saw younger Rip change, and I thought, why not give it a shot?" I heard Mick.

"Surprised you didn't advise your teenage self to not get on a certain boat," Stein said.

I made myself known. "Please. He'll tel him not to go on the Titanic and he'll still get on it."

"Yak, yak, yak," Snart said as he held his injured hand. "I thought we were on a clock here." He used his free hand and pulled me with him. "And remind me to never make Derek angry."

"Then don't date his sister," Rip said as he walked in. Now, time, the history from which your younger selves were removed, is beginning to set...as is evidenced by the change in Clarissa's memory."

"Does this mean all of us wouldn't exist?" I asked.

"Yes, Morgan. Soon enough your brother will forget about you. He'll believe that you've died in that house fire." Good to know.

"Ok, so how long do we have till these changes stick?" Jax wondered.

"No one knows. Which is why we need to move swiftly to locate Vandal Savage if any of your lives are to be restored to normal."

Kendra crossed her arms. "So how long will it take to determine a new location for Savage?"

"Longer than we have. Fortunately, there is one place in time that we know Savage to be." Please, don't tell me.

"You said he conquered the world in 2166," Mick said. Don't say it.

"You also said it was too dangerous to strike at Savage while he was at the height of his powers," Stein added. Not a word. 

Rip nodded. "That it is. But with your younger selves removed from history, we have quite literally run out of time." Great. I got up from my spot on Snart and made my way towards my own chair. I buckled myself in ready for the ride. 

Off to 2166.


A/N: *Not edited.* Who's excited for the new season of Shadowhunters?

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