You Steal His Favorite Tank Top / Shirt

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You, once again, had tried to remove his arm from around your waist- but it had mysteriously seemed to glue itself to your lower stomach. "Johnny." You cooed, turning over before running your hand through his fluffy curls that lay messily across his head, untamed. "If you let me go, I'll make you some pancakes?" You offered as one of his sweet chocolate brown eyes had crept open.

"Sounds tempting. I may actually take that offer- you know what? Nevermind." He flashed you a cheeky grin before closing his eyes once more, snuggling into you from behind.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"I dunno." He smiled, shoving his nose in your hair, inhaling your scent- baked apples and cinnamon. "Cuddle with me?" He proposed, his brown eyes gleaming brightly as you sighed, kissing his cheek.

"I wish I could, love. But we have to get up soon." You told him watching as his expression slowly fell. "But I don't wanna." He whined, shutting his eyes tightly- blocking the light.

"I know.. But who will wash the dishes, do the laundry, and clean the place up? My parents are at work- you're lucky my dad let even let you sleep in the same room as me. Julie is out with Thomas and the Diaz's, and little Jamie is out with her new friends from school." You explained, watching as he puffed out his cheeks, his eyebrows slightly narrowed.

"Waffles?" You offered him once more, his eyes brightening as he jumped off of you. "Deal." Was the only thing he replied before giving you a soft kiss, muttering a 'thank you', and rushing off into the bathroom for a morning shower.

You quickly got off of the bed, chuckling softly as a smirk came across your soft, pink lips. You quickly rushed up to your dresser- where Johnny's clothes had been laying, before taking his tank top and slipping it over your black colored sports bra quickly. It was his favorite tank top. One with a solid white color, with a red outline along the ends of the white.

Quietly, you slinked from your room, unable to disturb Johnny who was oblivious to your theft of his tank top. You let out a giggle as the door clicked, turning and bolting down the hallway- your feet echoing loud thumps along the wooden tile floor.

It was a few minutes before you heard a shout, causing you to let out a squeak- nearly dropping the waffles in your hands. Quickly, two arms wrapped around your stomach- helping you keep balance.

"Y/N. Would you mind telling me why you have my tank top on?" Johnny muttered, gently planting small kisses behind your ear.

"If you want it back, I could take it off right here, right now?" You suggested, before turning around in his arms, placing your hand on his chest, running your hands upwards.

Your small movement was cut short by a loud car honk, just from outside- causing Johnny to let out a groan.

"As much as I would enjoy that, baby girl, I think your dad's home." Johnny's annoyance was very clear with your dads timing- coming home early.


You ran from your boyfriend, Damacio Diaz, with many small giggles escaping your lips- almost like a small child running from their parents.

"Y/N Valles! Give me my tank top!" He chuckled loudly from behind you, laughing at your childish behavior. "No!~" You called back at him, lightly looking over your shoulders as you ran through the house, his loud footsteps following behind you. You had stolen his tank top that had a baby yellow color to it, with small red stripes- right out from under his nose.

You let out a small scream- laughing as he reached out for you, only to be dodged by a hair with you taking off down another hallway- probably disturbing Damacio's brothers- who were asleep in the room not far from you both.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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