The Crash

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Ok, so this is my first story, so don't be too harsh. Don't mind the selling mistakes if you see any. I'm really bad at spelling. Random story time: this came to me while I was walking home from school and I saw two people sprint across the busy street and I thought 'they're going to get hit by a car' but they didn't. Anyway, my imagination wandered and this came out of it. Onward!

Hey there!

My name's Raven Noble.

I'm 13 years old and I'm going to tell you the story of how my life changed forever.

It was four months ago, early April, and I was walking home from school. Well technically I was walking home from the bus stop because I take the bus home, but that doesn't matter.

Anyway, I was walking down Carling, when suddenly two people started sprinting across the road. They were going fast. So fast that they didn't notice the car right in front of them. It came closer and closer and I yelled:

"Hey! Get out of the way!"

I started running towards them when..


The car hit them.


They both when sprawling to the ground.

And guess what? Did the car stop? No! It didn't! It just kept driving, not even taking notice that they just hit two people. Really, really hard.

I ran faster and then I was next to them.

There was blood.

A lot.


I screamed "Oh my God! Someone call 9-1-1!"

The guy at the repair shop across Carling from my street nodded and ran inside.

I knelt down next to the girl and said as calmly as I could "Oh my God, are you OK?"

'Stupid Raven,' I chided myself 'Of course she's not OK! She got hit by a car for God's sake!'

To my surprise she took out something from her pocket. It was a necklace. A pendant strung around the gold chain. The pendant was in the shape of a triangle facing down, it was blue and flat. On the back it said 'The power of the Tide' in bright gold letters.

She put it in my hand, the chain pooling around the pendant. When I started to protest she just said "Take it and keep it, then Joey can find you, but you must wear it all the time."

"I'm sorry?" I said "Who is Joey?"

She smiled "Joey Parker, he will find you."

I didn't know who the hell Joey Parker was, the only thing I could think to say was "Isn't he that guy from Friends?"

She gave a half-hearted laugh "That's Joey Tribbiani," She corrected me. "Honestly, you mortals hear Joey and automatically think Friends!"

I didn't know how to answer that so i just said "What's your name?"

She smiled "Hope Morrow." 

Then something weird happened. She opened her mouth and this blue, smoky, vapory thing came out.

then it became even weirder. I know what your thinking: how can it get even weirder? Well here's how: When the blue smoky thing came out of her, it went into me!

Yeah, that happened!

And you know what? When it went into me, I felt a power surge. Like every cell in my body became alive with energy.

I looked at her. She smiled again. 

"Use it wisely." she said.

"Use what wisely?" I asked. But she had already passed out.


By the time the ambulance got there, I was freaking out. Both Hope and her friend were breathing, they were just unconscious, but still, there was a lot of blood. can you blame me for freaking out?

When the ambulance got there I told them what happened. You know, minus the necklace, Joey Parker and the weird smoke thing, of course. I just told them the simple stuff, the stuff I could actually understand. Her name is Hope Morrow, I don't know who he is, they're both unconscious and breathing, they were hit by a car and the car just kept driving.

I had just finished talking to the police woman.

"Hey kid," she said "Do you need a ride home?'

That kinda pissed me off. Not the ride part, that was actually nice. The part that pissed me off was the 'kid' part. I was 13! I was NOT a kid! But I didn't let it show.

"No," I said "It's okay, my house is just down there." I pointed to the street right across Carling: Forest street. I know, I know, who the hell names a street Forest st.. Answer: I don't know who the hell named the street, all I know is that there's a forest at the end of it. (AN: Yes this is a real place. Please don't go there because I know people who live there and I would like them to live, so yeah)

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Yeah, that's right, I'm Canadian and I'm proud of it. Moving on...

"Alright," said the police woman "Do you want me to walk you there?"

"No." I said a little too quickly "It's fine, I've got it covered."

She looked at me skeptically.

"I'm good, really!" I insisted. She still didn't look convinced.

"Alright," She drawled "I'll update you or your parents on their progress."

I ran across Carling and all the way home.

Done! So tell me what you think.



I need some feedback here.

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