"You know what! I love you Rachel. Help me out for today, I won't trouble you".


"I love you too". I said.

It was 2:40 now.
I have so less time!

I started walking down and was thinking about how to hide Greene from all of this.
I don't have any problem with mom and dad, because they'll be back home only after Joe and Greene come back, after their plans.
Mom and dad will be very late. That wasn't a problem but, what about Greene?
What shall I do?
And she must be ready too.
Tough task Joe.

What if chase can help?

But how!

I can call him!

I dial his number.


He answered!


Chase: hey yellow! What's up?

Me: listen, I have a problem..

Chase: Yellow and in problems?

Me: it's serious Chase.

Chase: Tell dollface, how can I help you?

Me: Joe and Greene are celebrating they're 4th year today and there is a surprise for Greene, but she's home and Joe asked me to make sure that she dresses like a princess!

Chase: Are they getting married today?

Me: (chuckles) nope. This guy.

Chase: Wierd. Carry on.

Me: yeah and Greene is in our home and I promised Joe that I will take care. And he is busy decorating the house.

Chase: it's so simple yellow!

Me: What? How do you find it simple. I'm in a mess now.

Chase: Calm down first.
               Just take Greene to a parlour and tell the beauticians to handle everything. Just pay them, so she'll be ready to the night and she won't be home too.

Me: You know what?

Chase: What?

Me: You're a genius. I love you so much. Thank you.

Chase: Aww, thanks. I love you too! Bye. Carry on.

Me: Bye.

Hung up.

He's a great man for today, I consider him to be great.

First I must take this Greene and leave her in the damn parlour.

"Greene" I shout at her.

And she's collecting the pizza from the delivery boy.

Fuck the pizza. Oh no, im hungry.

It was 3:00 now.

Okay we can eat the pizza and go.

"RACHEL!! the pizza is home, come fast" she said.

"Coming!" I shout back.

~after the pizza session~

"Greene, I guess you must get your eyebrows done, it's too hairy" I said.

"I know, but I have no time" she said.

"I must manicure myself. Let's go, we'll be back in an hour" I made it sound good for her.

"Okay, common then"

"I'll get my car keys"
"Just wait a minute"


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