Aqua started running around

"Wher- Owwwwwww"

She forgot AGAIN, about the glass on her feet

"Let me get it first, you useless idiot"

As Kazuma walked to the kitchen, small mumbled "heals" could be heard in the background

"I'm back you useless godd-"

Aqua is running around frantically around the living room

"Is your foot okay n-"


Aqua held Kazuma in a choke hold attempting to bring him into the ground, but ultimately failing.

Kazuma was unable to get his neck out of Aqua's hold leaving him in an uncomfortable position, unfortunately, it was about to get more uncomfortable

"I hid it"

Aqua's hold tightened to its max


Aqua proceeded to scream into Kazuma's ears

"You WHAT!?!"

Kazuma barely escapes Aqua's grasp and lands himself a good distance away

"It's to help with your liquor problem you retarded idiot"

Aqua looked at Kazuma and pouted

"But that was my expensive wineee~"

Tears started to form on her eyes

"It's not working"

Aqua puffed her face, and the tears stopped


"Besides I was the one who PAID for the EXPENSIVE liquor"

Aqua stayed silent until she noticed what Kazuma was holding

"What is that?"

"It's mochi"

"For me?"

"For you, remember? we just talked about this earlier"

Aqua took the plate from Kazuma's hands and started to eat the "mochi"

Aqua proceeded to talk with the mochi in her mouth

"It's hwarrd"

"Oi! It was hard to make you ungrateful goddess, if you don't like it, then don't eat it!"

Kazuma tries to grab the plate off of Aqua, but she holds it tight

Aqua swallows

"No! I'm still going to eat it, stupid NEET who can't cook"

Kazuma pushes Aqua and pulls on the plate

"Give it back you idiot!l


Kazuma starts chasing Aqua around the living room

"You're going to get fatttt you stupid idiot!"

Aqua picks up her pace

"I whwilll nwaattt!" (I will not)

The two ran in circles, Aqua still eating while Kazuma chases her.

After a while, the two had calmed down and Aqua had eaten everything.

Kazuma started to walk around the room

"Oi! You left crumbs everywhere"

Aqua proceeded to glue herself to the sofa and stuck her tongue out , "Your the one who started chasing me"

I Fell In Love With a Useless Godess (Konosuba)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz