The Accident

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Jul. 2 2009 High school pool

I walked into the pool room and got ready to jump into the pool, for some reason, there was a big ass tank in the corner of the pool house. It looked scary, and a lot of my friends said that the tank filters water and has worms that eat the cum of a human being. When I washed my hair, and put it in a ponytail I went out of the area and stared at the tank. My friend came up to me and made me jump, "whatcha doin?" She said. "Just staring at the tank... I feel like it's gonna explode." I replied. The tank made a chilling whoosh sound. She patted my shoulder and tossed me in the pool. A few hours pass and we get out of the pool for closing time. You hear someone shriek "THE TANK IS GONNA EXPLODE! EVERYONE RUN!!" Everyone started running and so did I. I looked back seeing the tank leak and start to explode out of the bolts holding it together. I stopped and stared at the tank as it exploded with little white nuggets. Those were the worms... I tried to run but the only thing holding me back was my brain "Do I want to run?! Do I want to get fucked?!" The choices ran around in circles in my head. I ran as fast as I could until the tank exploded. A woman shrieked in pain, "ITS INSIDE OF ME!" Another lady yelled "IT HURTS!! MAKE IT STOP!" Then I felt the little worms crawling all over my feet and trying to get up my legs. As I quickly brushed them off and ran, I looked back to see my friend sitting on the floor with her face all red. I wanted to help her but I didn't want the risk of getting fucked up too.

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