There was good news which is that Binh was cleared. He confessed to watching me but that was to see if I had his kid; which everyone knows about by now. There's also proof it wasn't him that broke into Chris and I's house or took those pictures and left the note on our front door. I will admit that I was receiving that sort of thing in Vietnam and knowing that, I thought he was behind it then. Now I knew better and while who's stalking me is still unknown, one thing was clear. The who and why scared me.

      Obviously, I know that who Chris and August hired to find my stalker worked for them. I don't know who's after me by face but by stories and what everyone he trusts calls him. My husband and his friend don't even know that; or how the threats I received in Vietnam are why I ran back to LA. Had I not had my support system when they started again, I would've more than likely ran a second time which is what I happened to confess to Chris at the hospital when we first began thinking my stalker killed Mel.

      "Do you have to leave babe," I ask pouting when I step in our bedroom and see him packing the last of his things he was bringing with him. "Kae. We've been over this. You know I don't want to leave you but if I go now, I can be there for you and the baby without my label on my ass to release new music. A bonus would be if we really do catch who's after you." I nod, even knowing he couldn't see me, and pout a second time before replying. "I know; I'm just gonna miss you." Chris turns to face me and we share a kiss before he speaks again.

      "And I'm gonna miss both of you." He was finally done packing so he put his bags by the door and we watched a movie. A very special one too; it was my husband's documentary which was finally finished and edited to get out to the fans. It definitely caught me off guard too because of a certain topic that was brought up: '09 and Rihanna. I thought I knew the whole story before but I guess not and that had me feeling some type of way... "Pause it." "Kae-" "Christopher I said pause the damn movie," I practically scream.

      Knowing what stress could do to me and my daughter, I tried to stay as calm as I could. I counted to ten as I took a deep breath then spoke again. "When I told you that I heard what you were saying to her during that phone call, why didn't you tell me the whole story then?" I just couldn't comprehend how he didn't tell me the whole story after overhearing that conversation. Or that he told his side of it in the movie and I never knew about it! He was silent for a moment to get his thoughts together before replying.

      "It's complicated babe and if I DID tell you, would you have looked at me differently?" The nerve of this nigga! Is that what he thought of me and if so, why did he ask me out that day?! I was questioning everything now as I gave him my famous death glare and raised my hand to slap him dead in his face. It took all of me to stop myself from doing it too but I knew my blood pressure was through the roof and didn't want it getting worse. After counting down from ten a second time, I gave Chris a piece of my mind; no holding back.

      "Don't you DARE turn this shit around on me! The whole point is that right then was the time to come clean and you didn't. Instead, you waited almost five years; letting me find out the whole story by turning on the movie when it was done. Not before you began filming or when it was in production but when they gave you a copy of the finished product. You didn't even give me a warning when you put the fucking movie on!" "Baby-" "I'M NOT FINISHED! You still love her don't you?!" For his sake, he better answer wisely!

      The last thing I wanted was to be pissed at him and argue right before he leaves but it's better for our relationship to discuss it now. I just hope we can end the argument on a good note because the next time I'd see him would be a week before my due date. And that's unless my doctor says Hope could come sooner! "Kae. I told you that day I was still in love with her. Today, I'm in love wit YOU. I won't lie and say I don't still care for her though; she was my first love. Even if she wasn't, what happened connects us for life."

The Path Of Hope: Part 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin