Chapter 1//Troye

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"Troye," He says and I look back at him hoping that he'll let go of my arm so I can hide in my room or more likely the old cabin near the lake so I don't have to face my roommates. "No one's going to make fun of you. Okay? If anyone makes fun of you I'll find out and kick their ass."

Tyler's hand slips from my wrist and instead of asking the millions of questions that are floating through my head I keep quiet like I normally would and sprint back to my dorm.

*End Flashback*

I push the thought out of my head as I get to the gate, I show Dean Price my ID card and he lets me through with no words. I walk across campus trying not to draw any unwanted attention. I think I do pretty well but I do see a few people whispering as I walk past them. This is going to be a great year.

I reach the arch to the boy's dorms and walk through it seeing the beautiful ivory fountain that holds so many memories. There is boys all around the area talking, playing, everything. I see Connor and he runs towards me. I drop my bags and hug him.

Connor lives five hours from me and was gone most of the summer traveling with his family so I didn't get to see him much. I really missed him. Connor is the person that is always there for me.

"So" Connor says looking a little bit disappointed. Oh no why is he disappointed that can't be good. What if something bad happened? Troye calm down. Use your words. I take a deep breath then let it out.

"You look disappointed, Connor." I say picking my bags up again as Connor leads me somewhere. His face cheers up with a huge Frantastic, as he had always been one for a pun, smile.

"Oh it's nothing too bad. They just told me that we would have a triple room this year and not a double."

"Wait but I'm roomed with you still, right?" Honestly the thought of not sharing a room with Connor scared me a little bit. He's always there for me when I need him and he is literally one of the only people on campus that I feel comfortably telling everything to all the time. If we don't share a room we won't be around each other as much because Connor does have a lot of other friends. He's about medium popular. If we don't room together I won't get to see him as much.

"Yes we are still in the same room but they put us with a senior. He wasn't in there when I was unpacking so I don't know who it is." Hm.

I think of who would be seniors. A few people pop into my head and I pray that it's not any of them. I don't really think there is one person in that class that I would like to be sharing a room with all year long. Guess I have to get over that seeing as one of those stupid seniors is going to be my new roommate.

Connor and I walk to the building directly across from the arch. We step into the common room of the dorm and Connor is greeted by a few people. They start talking to him and I don't want to interrupt him so I just continue to the room Connor said we are in.

I walk around looking for room 322 for a while before I find it. The door is already opened a little bit and I push it the rest of the way open with my hip so I can get through with my huge bags. I set my pillow on the top bunk when I see Connor's things on the bottom bunk. I start to unpack my things when I hear someone clear their throat loudly. I jump spinning around to see what senior they have paired us with.

The blood drains out of my face when the iconic purple quiff comes into view. They could have paired us with anyone but no it had to be him. The one that punched his best friend at the end of the year bash last year because his best friend outed me to the entire school. Tyler smirks when he sees the effect that he has already had on me. God damn it, Tyler.

"So are you going to say something to me or are you just not going to talk to me all year?" I stare at him dumbfounded.

He stands up and walks over to me leaning against the frame of the bunk bed. I take a step back not wanting to be that close to him. His eyes are hypnotizing and he has a dazzling smile that always brightens the room. Stop, Troye you are not allowed to do this to yourself.

"Um...hi I'm Troye." I say in a quiet voice.

His smile grows wider so I can see his teeth and a short laugh bubbles across his lips. Why is he so fucking cute? Ugh Troye don't do this to you. Do not fall for Tyler Oakley. You've seen what happens to people who fall for Tyler Oakley.

"I know who you are, Troye Sivan. I know that you know who I am so we can skip that right?" I nod quickly not knowing what else to do.

I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to have to share a room with him. I don't want to be around him. He's too desirable and I know what he does to guys. He leads them on until he gets a good fuck then he drops them. I don't want to be another one of those guys, just another name on his list.

"Why don't you talk much? I feel like you would have some pretty interesting things to say." Tyler turns away from me and walks back towards his bed and I let out a breath. Don't let him have that effect on you Troye or you'll be dead in a week. Distance is your new best friend, Troye.

"I don't feel like people listen when I speak. Every time I talk someone betrays me." I say not turning to look at Tyler's reaction.

Why am I telling him this? This is not the kind of thing I tell people I don't even know. I barely even tell Connor stuff like this.

"Well how about we all make a deal. Nothing that happens in this room leaves this room." I turn around to look at him and he has a thoughtful look on his face.

He pulls his lower lip between his teeth, he looks so incredibly hot. This is going to be a long fucking year. I'll agree to that but I'm still probably not going to tell him that much. I'm almost 100% sure I shouldn't trust him.

"Fine but I'd rather you left me alone. I don't fancy popular people." I walk out of the room before I can apologize.

I know that he probably isn't like the rest of the popular kids. I mean he followed me all the way across campus last year to make sure I was alright. You should give him a chance Troye. Try to get to know him before you listen to every little thing you have ever heard about him. Trust me there is a lot to hear about Tyler Oakley.

Maybe there is a reason he fucks every willing guy there is. Maybe he has some strange past that he hasn't told anyone about. Maybe he does this stuff for a reason and it's not just because he likes to break hearts. Stop Troye. You are thinking too much again. Stop clogging your mind up with weird little scenarios that are never going to happen, you don't know him stop thinking you do.

I walk into the common room and sit down knowing that in about ten minutes they will call everyone down here so that we can go over rules and meet our dorm advisers. I sit on one of the smaller couches in the back of the room and patiently wait for everyone to be called down.

It's about ten or fifteen minutes later that everyone is sitting down waiting for our dorm adviser to speak. He won't start talking for some reason though and all of us are looking around confused when a lilac head pops in the room. I look around and see that the only open seat is next to me. Tyler saunters towards me and squishes himself next to me in the small couch. He slings his arm over the back of the couch behind my shoulder and I stiffen.

"Hey roomie." Tyler whispers in my ear with a little chuckle. "Relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

I relax a little bit but I am not letting my guard completely down around him until he can give me a solid reason too.



Hey I hope you like the first chapter of this!!

If you have any Questions leave then below!



Edited at 9:59AM

by cydneyjanexx

Twitter: @hipster_sivan

My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang