chapter one

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the tournament


"I'll see you during the holidays darling, remember to stay out of trouble."

"Of course mother." I responded shortly, looking up to be greeted with a stoic expression overtaking her features. A ghost of a smile danced across her lips as she patted my cheeks, and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Try not to miss me too much." I nodded shortly, and took a hold of my belongings blowing her a kiss.

"Until Christmas." I turned, boarding the train quickly.

"Oi Ashwood!" A familiar voice called out, making the expressionless look on my features falter, while a smile fought its way onto my lips. Turning around, I saw a tall, dark haired boy quickly making his way towards me.

"Adrian." I whispered softly, breathing in the familiar scent of mint and cologne as he pulled me into a tight embrace. "How was your summer?"

He hummed softly, and shrugged, taking my luggage. "Terrible as usual." He pulled away slightly, mesmerizing me with his electric blue eyes. "I've found us a compartment near the back."

"Are Theo and Daph there already?" I questioned as I followed him, wondering when I would be able to reunite with my cousin and best friend. He didn't speak, and instead threw open the door to reveal a large compartment. A small smile played at my lips as I walked in, sitting across my good friends.

"Ana! How have you been?" Theo asked, grinning as he closed the book he had previously been absorbed in.

"Pretty boring, apart from the World Cup." I answered honestly, quickly catching the worried look my 3 companions exchanged with one another. "What?"

"So it's true then, what happened there?"

"Oh come on Daph, don't be daft. He's not back it was just a harmless prank."

"Didn't seem very harmless to me." Adrian muttered, running a hand through his dark hair.

"Nothin's gonna happen Pucey, what with the tournament and all. They'd be stupid to try when Dumbledore will be on high alert." Theo drawled lazily, throwing his arm above his head. Adrian clicked his tongue in frustration as his eyes wandered over to him

"The tournament is key Nott." Daphne pressed her lips together in a fine line, glancing between the two. "Let's not get so worked up boys, I'm sure it was just a mere...friendly reunion between old friends." She stood up, quickly grabbing her robes before nodding her head at me.

"I suppose we should change? We'll be arriving shortly." I finished for her, taking my robes and following her to the cubicle.


"So how was it really?" She asked quietly, once I had shut the compartment door behind us. I shrugged, letting my grey eyes roam the dimly lit hallway that surrounded the express.

"Alright I suppose. Mother forced me to spend half my summer at the Malfoy's, but I'd like to think that I've recovered from the torture that followed." She smiles softly, and shook her head as she placed her platinum blonde hair behind her ear.

"He's really not that bad Ana."

"Oh he's worse than years before." I snorted, taking off my loose fitting shirt, before fitting into my sweater and skirt.

"You're starting to sound like Potter and Weasley." She joked as she straightened her knee high socks.

"At least Potter's mother is too dead to force her opinions of 'Marrying only the worthy' on him." I sighed, biting my lip. She frowned and placed her hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

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