I ended up buying a slice of pizza and sitting at a small table while I waited for Harry. He sat down across from me with a take-out box of salad. We enjoy each other's company as we eat. I reached over and stole some of his croutons--he pretended not to see, but I knew he did. I gave him some of my pepperoni. We people watched as we dined--college had some interesting people. 

"Do you wanna get some dessert?" I asked, craving something sweet. 

"Like what?" He questioned. 

"I don't know... I just want something sweet."

"I saw an ice-cream shop in down if you want to walk down." He told me. 

I nodded excitedly, and we threw our trash away before heading out into the warm summer night. The cicadas sang as we walked down the hill towards the small town. The streets were decorated with the warm glow of the yellow street lights. The streets were lined with small hole-in-the-wall shops. Tons of tattoo shops and bars, along with some thrift and clothing shops. Harry took my hand and tugged me towards a small shop. 

The inside was decorated in a vintage fashion. Small diner stools line a bar, there was a juke-box in the corner that was alive with lights and music. There were small tables and chairs towards the front of the shop, and a small brunette girl worked behind the counter. She welcomed us,  Harry and I perused the flavors. They were all unique and like nothing that I have ever heard before. 

"How can I help you both?" The girl grinned at us. 

"Hi," Harry charmed. He turned to me, "Do you know what you want?"

"Yep," I smiled. "Can I get a scoop of chocolate covered strawberry on a hot brownie?"

"That is going to be in a cup, is that okay?" She asked. I nodded excitedly. She turned to Harry, "And you?" 

"Can I get two scoops of pistachio ice cream in a cone, please?" Harry asked. 

"Of course," the girl told us and got to work. She handed me my cup and a spoon, and she gave Harry his cone. "That will be $5.95 and $3.50."

I fumbled with my wallet, but Harry stopped my hands. "I got it," he told me, handing the girl a ten dollar bill. She handed him back his change and wished us well. I thanked him and we headed back towards campus. The ice cream was sweet on my tongue and the contrast between the hot brownie and the ice cream was wonderful. I gave Harry a spoonful of mine to try and he accepted. 

We scanned our I.D. cards to get into our building. The people working the front desk looked up at us and then returned to their activities. We headed to the elevator and pressed Harry's floor. His cone started to drip and he quickly acted trying to salvage his cone. We ended up finishing our dessert and tossing the trash in the bin in the common area. 

Harry unlocked his door for me and shut it behind him. His room--so far-- was well kept. His bed was made with a dark forest green colored comforter and a few pillows were piled up at the head of his bed. His roommate's side was neat and abandoned. I kicked off my shoes by the door.

I hopped onto his bed, the spring mattress creaking under my weight. Harry turned on his television, he pulled a box from under his bed and shifted through movies. I watched his fingertips glide over the spines of the DVDs. He took a case and popped out the disc, placing it into his DVD player. I waited for the opening credits as Harry flicked the lights off and crawled onto his bed beside me. I scooted over and leaned against the wall. 

"What did you put on?" I asked him as he positions his pillows behind him. 

"You'll see," he teased. The screen went black and the title appeared. 

"Princess Bride," I beamed. 

"Your favorite film, right?" He asked, his green eyes bright with the pale hue of the screen. 

"Yeah," I grinned. I shifted, getting comfortable. "Can I borrow a blanket?"

"As you wish," he winked. 

I shoved his shoulder playfully as he handed me one of his blankets that he brought from home. I brought it up to my chin-- it smelled like him. I sank further into his bed, leaning into him. I listened to the soft sounds of his breathing. So this was college--the next four years of my life. I watched Buttercup and Wesley and their love affair--my eyes became rather heavy. I leaned my head on Harry's shoulder and ended up shutting my eyes. 

"Night, Petal," he whispered. 

"Night, Haz." 


So sorry it has been so long lol... trailer above!

I had four tests this week (I'm half way done)! One of which is an essay based exam in which I basically have to memorize nine lectures... its rough. Anyway, four cups of coffee later and it went fine!

Love you all,


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