The Others

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I watch the pain spread across her face. She was fighting an internal battle. I saw her eyes flash from me to the creature that controlled her and back again,the cogent need and hunger in her eyes. I saw the last shred of her disappear behind the monsters eyes,I knew the inevitable awaited me. Feeling the long dagger plummet into my stomach. She had done it.Copious amounts of blood soaked my shirt as I collapsed to the ground. The last thing I heard was her screaming, fighting against the monster once more, trying to become herself, to save me. To save us.

Chapter One:

I awoke to sunlight spreading across the small room. The brittle wooden floor hurt my back, new pains ignited as I tried to move. The bruises spreading across my body ached from the sudden agitation. I heard the intonations of my parents voices as they packed, knowing they would be leaving soon,laying on the floor the insularity of my state saddening. We had to run, but this time I knew they wouldn't be taking me with them. After last night's beating, they thought I was dead. I thought I was dead. Deep gashes ran down my arms, a large gash along my forehead pounded. I felt the sticky liquid around me as I tried to get up. The pain was extremely intense and I once again collapsed in the pool of my drying blood. I heard my parents go through the door, laughing at me as they walked passed my broken body. They would be here soon, the Others. They would kill me and anyone who wasn't able to escape. They had taken over our world with their technology and weapons.Their power disseminated throughout our complete existence.
I eventually got up, staggering my way to the room which was once mine. I frantically searched for my box, finding it hidden under my bed. I grabbed the inch long needle and jammed it into my vein, injecting the bright red liquid. I felt my body healing, as I fell to the floor once more, drifting back to sleep for what could be the last time. When I awoke next,unfortunately it wasn't to the calm sunlight as I had last time. Bombs were dropping all around my house and I could hear their troops running through the streets, hearing the cry of civilians,mothers as their babies were killed before their eyes, knowing they were next. With my body healed, I got up and ran.Hiding in my lock room a modest dwelling I had been making for years, one my parents didn't know about. I looked through the crack in the wall that had formed. They were entering the house down the street, I knew they would be here soon. I heard the screams and gunshots. I sat there rigid, tears pouring out of my eyes, the loss of friends crushing me, waiting for my turn to be on the other end of those fires.

((Well I hope you guys like chapter one I actually wrote this a few years back as a school project but found it among my work and thought I'd upload it.Comments and 'HELPFUL' criticism would be much appreciated XD))

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