The sepration

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It all happened when the two mayors of a small town in L.G.B.T City came to a argument. Now, Mayor Jones believed that all asexuals are better while Mayor Holmes thought that all aromatics were better. And that's how it all began. The entire city split. There were those who thought that both were equals, but most were to scared to say it. And that brings us to our story

A/N: Wow! I feel so inspired today!
😺: This is great! Even Dark has a smile on his face!
🚬: 🖕🙃
Ok... anyways, I need help from you guys! Now as you can see, the story doesn't have a cover. So I'm asking all animators to send in drawings of how you interpret Aro and Ace. Remember, Aro is a 17 year old girl, and Ace is a 17 year old boy. I would like the aromatic and asexual flag to be included. Just dm me when done and I'll choose. Thanks again!

The adventures of Aro and AceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon